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Teachers' Lounge! 12-15-2010

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Last one for this week! Tomorrow we're going, as a family, to see a play of

A Christmas Carol and Friday I'm SHOPPING! :^)


What's for lunch today? Me: left over veggies and chicken.


Why are you proud of yourself today? Me: for not letting myself get 'sucked in' to being on the Internet for hours and actually getting some actual WORK accomplished! Woohoo!



What's your favorite Bible verse or quote? Me: Bible passage, more than a verse. Psalm 139 tied with Ephesians 6:10-20


What question do you have for ME today? :D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch -- leftover chicken, chopped, bbq sauce added. Voila bbq chicken sandwichs


Proud of myself -- got most of my Christmas cards signed, addressed and in the mail today :hurray: I would like to send out some more but ran out of stamps. Not getting out in todays weather and with the way I feel.


Bible -- Psalms 23


Question -- how close to done are you with your shopping?


I am still stumped as to what to get my nephews. Late teens and late 20's.

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Lunch- A Chicken Alfredo microwaveable meal... probably not too nutritious, yummy though... lol


Proud of myself- can I change that to NOT proud myself?? I am behind on school with the littles, and piled up with checking on the olders work to make sure they are staying on target :(


Bible- none today, I am still trying to get better about knowing the Bible


Question- I am going to answer the one presented and ask one myself....


I am almost done, with the exception of one gift which will be bought tomorrow or Friday at the latest.


What are you most looking forward to in the coming week/holidays??


Me- my daughter is coming in on Saturday :hurray:

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What's for lunch today? I seem to have had a slice of pumpkin pie for lunch. Why are you proud of yourself today? Despite having a serious case of the crankies and being on the verge of a pre-holiday meltdown, I balanced the check book, washed the kitchen floor, washed all the rugs AND got a shower and blow dry. What's your favorite Bible verse or quote? I really don't know of one. Sorry. What question do you have for ME today? Why does my baby chew on the dining room chairs when he has a million toys he could chew on?

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Lunch- chicken noodle soup, salad


Proud of myself - I'm tackling these stupid online bill payments that did not go through even though it means multiple calls to the bank and the venders.


Bible - Isaiah 40:31

Yet those who wait for the LORD

Will gain new strength;

They will mount up with wings like eagles,

They will run and not get tired,

They will walk and not become weary.


Question - What makes you think that going to a play and going shopping gets you out of coming and posting your teacher's lounge thread? :toetap05: :lol:

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Jean, okay, okay, already. I'll at least give you one on Friday as those plans have changed! My friend, with whom I was going to go shopping because she had scheduled a day off work, has decided that she WANTS to go to work because they're having a big Holiday Potluck that day. ??? Maybe it's for the best as payday for us isn't until Monday, so maybe I'll go shopping then.


You'll just have to do without me tomorrow, though. Think you can handle it?

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Jean, okay, okay, already. I'll at least give you one on Friday as those plans have changed! My friend, with whom I was going to go shopping because she had scheduled a day off work, has decided that she WANTS to go to work because they're having a big Holiday Potluck that day. ??? Maybe it's for the best as payday for us isn't until Monday, so maybe I'll go shopping then.


You'll just have to do without me tomorrow, though. Think you can handle it?


Well, ok. But don't be surprised if I come on here and whine. . . :D

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