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What has your Elf on the Shelf been up to?

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We just started doing the Elf on the Shelf thing, and I'm already running out of ideas for different kinds of mischief they can get themselves into. (We have a pair of elves.)


This morning, our little dudes were passed out on the living room floor holding a wine bottle and lying in a pile of Lindor Truffle wrappers. One elf had the empty truffle bag on his head. (Ok, the wine bottle was still sealed, but I don't think anyone noticed...)


I could really use some more ideas!


And I should also really learn to proofread, because when I first typed this, I asked about the Elk on the Shelf, and which I would imagine would be an entirely different thread. ;)



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This morning, our little dudes were passed out on the living room floor holding a wine bottle and lying in a pile of Lindor Truffle wrappers. One elf had the empty truffle bag on his head. (Ok, the wine bottle was still sealed, but I don't think anyone noticed...)




That's hilarious. I haven't done anything that mischievous with ours - she usually gets put on a shelf/dresser to watch over the kids while they sleep - my teens get a little creeped out when they wake up to see "Judy the Elf" watching them. Last night she watched TV - I put her on the sofa with the remote.


I don't think I can do the candy wrappers; my dog would eat the wrappers. :( But maybe tonight Judy will enjoy a bottle of non-alcoholic beer. :)

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I just heard about this a few weeks ago and have started something similiar. I have been blogging everyday on it but to give you a few things mine has done so far- made fudge left a lil mess tried to make hot chocolate left lil mess had a tea party with the care bears yesterday he had a bunch of red paint out today it was green. He is surely working on something but we don't know what yet. He held my sons toys hostage for being mean to his sister lol. He pulled all the letters and word cards out in the school room to practice his spelling because well, elves are bad spellers! He may steal all the candy canes off the tree tonight. He took my oldests MP3 player. He is so naughty!! I am so loving this idea we are really havin fun with it. He has even left little notes to the kids about being good and all. It is just fun.

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We just started doing the Elf on the Shelf thing, and I'm already running out of ideas for different kinds of mischief they can get themselves into. (We have a pair of elves.)


This morning, our little dudes were passed out on the living room floor holding a wine bottle and lying in a pile of Lindor Truffle wrappers. One elf had the empty truffle bag on his head. (Ok, the wine bottle was still sealed, but I don't think anyone noticed...)


I could really use some more ideas!


And I should also really learn to proofread, because when I first typed this, I asked about the Elk on the Shelf, and which I would imagine would be an entirely different thread. ;)




Cat I don't think we would enjoy an elk on the shelf LOLOLOL Spelling errors can be so fun though can't they!

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Our elves have painted DS12 and DS9 toes while they were sleeping -- in BRIGHT pink and orange ;-).

They have played board games,

Made forts out of living room cushions and blankets,

Swung from chandeliers

Taken the car out for pizza and left it in the driveway crooked,

Left coal when the kids were bad

TPed the Christmas tree

Took marshmallow baths in the bathroom sink

Ate all the icecream and got trapped in the freezer -- buurrrrrrr..

Colored in Harry Potter (I found an extra at a garage sale, then the next night they made the marks magically disappear!)


Those are just our favorites :D Waiting for other great ideas, too! :lurk5:

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Our elves have painted DS12 and DS9 toes while they were sleeping -- in BRIGHT pink and orange ;-).

They have played board games,

Made forts out of living room cushions and blankets,

Swung from chandeliers

Taken the car out for pizza and left it in the driveway crooked,

Left coal when the kids were bad

TPed the Christmas tree

Took marshmallow baths in the bathroom sink

Ate all the icecream and got trapped in the freezer -- buurrrrrrr..

Colored in Harry Potter (I found an extra at a garage sale, then the next night they made the marks magically disappear!)


Those are just our favorites :D Waiting for other great ideas, too! :lurk5:


I love those ideas!!!


Tonight, I'm getting out the TP!!! :D





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My dc are 'too old' for that stuff.


But I am not! I want to do it anyway. Maybe I will next year. I will play anyway. Here are some things I would do if I had one:


Taking one bite out of each cookie in a package.

Line up all the M&Ms in a line leading to them at the end

Leave flour on the counter or table with elf tracks in it

Move all the presents under the tree to another room

Move the Nativity figurines to another location and replace them with dolls or stuffed animals or Legos or Playmobile or whatever is handy

Hide inside a hung stocking

Post on Facebook, and be found sitting in front of the computer with Facebook on the screen

Playing solitaire

Playing a board game with dolls or stuffed animals

Squeeze a tube of toothpaste out in the sink

Sitting in front of a plate of spaghetti with maple syrup and mini marshmallows

Inside a rice krispy treat house

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