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So what do you think you can do for a living with a degree in Natural Resouces...

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My sister has a degree which is pretty much the one you describe. Currently she works for a business which does environmental impact statements for new projects done either by the state or in the private sector. She is planning to go to grad school next year to do her PHD, although she could continue in her present job. She doesn't love it, but it works. :) She'd love to have a job with the park service or similar in her perfect world. :D

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My sister and BIL both have degrees in Natural Resources Management (which is how they met). They both have had jobs as park rangers, but the pay is pretty low and the competition for jobs at places like Rocky Mountain National Park, Grand Canyon, etc. is great. BIL ended up going back to school and is a paramedic now, and my sister is a SAHM.

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Purdue University offers such degrees. In fact, my husband has his forestry degree from there. He manages conservation areas and helps landowners plan timber sales. He love his job. The pay is not outstanding, but his job satisfaction is off the charts.


We both loved our time at Purdue, and I highly recommend looking into it!

Edited by applesing
Edited to add that Purdue University is in West Lafayette, Indiana.
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I am still trying to figure out a major for an AS and this particular degree offered at our local CC has a lot of things I was looking for, plus transfers nicely to the local universities.


I want something that is scientific in nature, where I'm working with nature and possibly able to do research. I also want someting where I can do field or "office" work. I'm thinking about getting a certificate in Technical Communiations which is a lot of Art New Media, Computer Information Sciences, and various kinds of writing. I think the two could compliment each other and offer a lot of opportunites.


At this point in my life I am looking for job satisfaction and something I can do well into later in life, and since I am not the primary wage earner, I don't have to make a lot of money, but if I had to, the potential is there.


Thanks for the replies everyone.

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