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Sensitive teeth question

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I have one upper tooth that has been bothering me for months. I am using Sensodine and have also tried Jason's co10 toothpaste. Still bothering me. And now, today one of my lower teeth on the same side is bothering me. It hurst most with cold drinks. Is there anything else I can use? I went to the dentist and she just told me to use Sensodine.

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I have one upper tooth that has been bothering me for months. I am using Sensodine and have also tried Jason's co10 toothpaste. Still bothering me. And now, today one of my lower teeth on the same side is bothering me. It hurst most with cold drinks. Is there anything else I can use? I went to the dentist and she just told me to use Sensodine.

When this happened to me it turned out my tooth was cracked. I think I'd get a second opinion.

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The upper tooth does have some receding. It feels like the pain comes from inside the tooth, but I'm sure the nerve irritation could cause pain anywhere.


I'm very surprised that I am now having pain in my lower tooth. I'll check it to see if there is any receding. I haven't had any problem there before. Kind of weird it is just below the other tooth.

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I used to have horribly sensitive teeth. I couldn't stand anything cold or any fruit (acid). Years ago, I searched online and found that there's a mineral gel your dentist can paste on your teeth after cleaning. It sits there a few minutes, soaks into your teeth, and fills microscopic cracks. The effect lasts about six months. My dentist has been using this on me (and anyone else who wants it) for years, and it has worked wonders.


I don't know what it's called, but your dentist should know. Or search online yourself. It's not anything new and obscure because I've been getting it for years.

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