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Blood test results back... vitamin d help, please!

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I did a full physical and blood work this fall... particularly with my hair falling out all the time. Looks like my hair falls out due to stress... and a good bit does start to grow back in... now I need to find a cute "short cut" for curly hair.


But, I have vitamin d deficiency. I do not drink milk. I do eat cheeses a few times a week. I eat fresh vegetables a few times a week. The Dr. insists that I take prescription supplements right now and add to that the calcium/d supplement that I recently started taking. I also have osteoporosis and will be fighting that...


If I take the prescription and my supplement, could I overdo it and what would that "look like"? Is it bad for you?


I have to get the calcium and d levels up before I can take something for the osteoporosis.


I also often forget to take supplements/pills... not intentional, just get busy and don't think about it at all.


Suggestions for any of these are truly welcome. I want to be healthy for my grandbabies!

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DH had an Rx for 50,000iu doses once a week until his levels came up (within a few months). Now he takes one 1,000iu pill daily.


My D was not as low as his (and I was not a cancer patient) so my instructions were to take a supplement of 1,000iu daily. I usually take 2,000, though, and I've heard you can safely take 3,000 iu daily.


I went ahead and spent the money on Nordic Naturals because I trust the quality of that brand. I'm no expert, but I have been told that when it comes to D, you do want to choose brands wisely. But if you have an Rx, you will be fine. FWIW, my hair stopped falling out with the D supplementation!


ETA I also have trouble remembering... I just try to keep them in sight in the kitchen.

Edited by AuntieM
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What was your vitamin D level? When does your physician plan to re-check?


I'm so glad your doctor is focusing on your vitamin D levels. That, by far, is the best thing you can do to improve your bone health, aside from weight bearing exercise. You might want to do some reading on the Vitamin D Council website, and the posts on vitamin D by cardiologist William Davis are worth perusing too: Vitamin D on Heart Scan Blog.


I wouldn't bother with the prescription supplement unless your insurance will pay for it. And I'd be very wary of taking prescription D anyway. As far as I know, prescription D is always the D2 form, and many believe that D3 is much more effective.


What you need is oil-based gelatin capsules of vitamin D. If you decide to go with over-the-counter vitamin D, you should be able to find higher dose capsules at a natural food store (Whole Foods or smaller health food store). I'd go for at least 10,000IU per day, perhaps more depending on how low you are.


Do not take vitamin D in the form of chalky white pills. The combination calcium & vitamin D pills will NOT raise your vitamin D as efficiently as vitamin D in oil. Vitamin D is fat soluble, so it is also best to take it with a meal that contained some fat.


There aren't any serious problems with over-doing the vitamin D. It would take heroic efforts to get yourself up to lifeguard (in the sun all day) levels of vitamin D, and they don't seem to suffer any ill effects from it.


HOWEVER, you do need to have your calcium monitored as you supplement vitamin D. Getting yourself back up to vitamin D sufficiency will improve your calcium absorption, so you could end up with too much calcium in your blood. I'd want to be tested for both calcium and vitamin D levels at least every 3 months, and at the beginning I'd push for more frequently.

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The prescription vitamin D is D2, which isn't as bioavailable as D3.....D3 is the prefered form to take if you're deficient - the prescription is just easier to write for doc, but isn't as effective.


There are some really good over-the-counter D3 supplements available that are less (cost) than the prescription also. Also, vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, so it needs fat with it to be absorbed - the prescription is a powder pill, so you'll need to eat fat when taking it....or buy an OTC that is already oil-based (fish is best source)


If you go with the OTC (your doctor should have no problem with this, just ask), you'll want either 4000IU of oil-based (fish source) vitamin D3 (Carlson's is a good reputable brand) and take 2 per day.....or 5000IU, two per day for five days (skip two days). You could also buy the 10000IU and take one per day for five days a week, or take five in one day once a week.


Once you begin taking the vitamin D supplement (or prescription) you want to be re-tested in a month (or in six weeks) to see where you are - if it is still low, the doctor will have you continue with the higher dose and then re-test again in 4-6 weeks....this will continue until your vitamin D levels rise to an acceptable level (>40ng) or an optimal level (>60ng), depending upon where the doctor wants to see your level. Once your vitamin D reaches where the doctor wants it to be, you'll then reduce intake to either 2000IU a day or 4000IU a day depending on your doctor and his knowledge of your history.


This time of the year sunshine won't cut it for vitamin D production, even in southern FL, TX or CA - the angle of the sun just isn't where it needs to be for stimulation in the skin - you can burn, but you won't be making vitamin D at appreciable levels.


Also, vitamin supplementation should decrease in the mid-Spring (around early May) if you're getting at least 20-minutes a day sun, between 11-and-1, each day without use of sunscreen....if not, it's okay to still supplement, just reduce supplement to a lower intake (like 1000IU a day).


Foods that contain vitamin D - just for reference if you want to eat some vitamin D rich foods too.....liver (all sources), egg yolks, butter (from grass-fed sources only), alpine cheese (from mountain regions), cod liver oil, fat on meat (like the strip of fat on a steak), tuna in oil (not in water), canned salmon (oil or water), fresh fatty fish, and fortified foods (although most fortification is with D2)

Edited by RahRah
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Biotics Research Corporation: Bio-D-Mulsion Forte.


It is a drop I put on my tongue. Each drop is 1000 iu. I put 10 drops on my tongue and my numbers went from 22 to 60 in a matter of a two or three weeks. My doctor wants them around this range to help me fight my cancer. This stuff works!!!!


I had taken the doctors prescription of 50000 ius a week and I don't think it really did anything for my levels.


The bottle wasn't very expensive. I got it at natural type doctor who sells supplements. You could probably buy it online.


I hope this helps.

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What a timely post. I too went to the Dr recently for a list of things, one being major hair loss and upon my request was given a blood test to check for vitamin D levels.


Mine were low, and I was given a prescription for vit D. I am to take mine once a week for 4 weeks than once a month for 5 more months then a recheck. The pharmacist said not to take it with anything and to sit upright for 30 min after taking it anyone know why?


Also, how long before my hair grows back:D?


Best wishes to all others who are dealing with this.

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