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Oh, no. Teaching Textbooks/Computer Problem. :(

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We're on the second disc of TT5, about 7 lessons into it. We last used it on December 2nd then didn't do math for a few days as we were busy with our Hanukkah preparations and celebrations and family from out of state and so on.


Then last night I went to have her do a math lesson, and I couldn't get the disc to open. I kept getting an error message that said something about Error, icmp.dll not found, this application failed to start because icmp.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."


We tried rebooting the computer. Didn't work. We tried seeing if Disc 1 would open (nope). We ran a virus scan. No virus. We uninstalled TT as suggested- and can't reinstall it. It still won't recognize the disc to reinstall, just keeps saying something is missing.


I finally left my husband working on it and went to bed. This morning I came down and see no TT icon on my desktop, which means he still couldn't reinstall it. And when I opened firefox some windows popped open, one of which was trying to find out what icmp.dll not found error could mean, one of which talks about what to do if a System Restore is not working (so apparently he couldn't do that either?!)


He's still sleeping, and I am not happy to not have our math program working and I don't know what wrong with my computer. I've noticed no other problems with it.


I don't know what to do.


Would there be any point to contacting Teaching Textbooks if this problem has to do with my computer and not the product?


Anyone ever experience this before?


I have the workbook but I want the CDs and animated lectures and buddies and show and tell kind of descriptions, darn it! <cry>

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It can't hurt to call TT. Even if it's your computer, it's possible they've had other customers with the problem and can walk you through it.


:grouphug: I hope you're able to figure it out quickly. I hate computer problems! :grouphug:


:iagree: They have always been helpful to me. One year we had to reinstall Math 6 three different times!

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Well, all Teaching Textbooks could tell us was to try installing it on a different computer.


So my husband went back to trying to research and find out how to fix whatever issue was making that particular file or whatever be missing.


After a lot of time and reading and trying different things he found a place where he could download the dll file and the steps to replace it on the computer...


...and it worked! I was able to reinstall Teaching Textbooks! Yay!


The only bad part was that our "gradebook" is now empty. 36 lessons and 5 quiz scores/results all gone. Which is kind of a shame, as it was nice to have, but not a HUGE deal as I didn't really NEED the gradebook feature or anything.


At least we have the ability to continue our math lessons!

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I'm glad it worked out!


And I have to tell you, you inspired me to print out the grades we have so far. DS would be devastated if he lost them!


LOL I'm glad I inspired you. I'll tell you, I was kicking myself in the butt for not having printed mine, especially since we'd already filled up the whole first page of lessons and had moved on to the second section. My daughter was proud of those grades (mostly 100's with a few 95's) and was a bit disappointed that we lost ours, but there was nothing I could do about it.


Yes, print your gradebook! :)

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