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a year of 50's for my parents

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This coming year my parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, so my bothers and I wanted to make their whole year special. In July, my brothers and I (and our whole families) are renting a house in Michigan for a week just to be together, but throughout the year we wanted to let them know that we are thinking about them, especially during key times during (before and after the July event)....and since none of us live very close to them, we felt this was really important. So we thought it would be fun to send them 50 of different things on the anniversary of their engagement (New Year's Eve), their birthdays, Mother and father's day, grandparents day, etc. So what I was hoping for is that maybe you guys could help me come up with unique ideas for 50 of things. I think for New Years Eve I will send them 50 Chocolate Kisses...and sometime during the year, I was going to encourage them to keep track of 50 romantic strolls around the block, holding hands....(my parents really could benifit from walking some)...but beyond that, I am stumped...can anybody help me?? Thanks.

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50 events/times you and sibs think of when you think of your childhood -


50 funniest things/moments you think of when thinking of them. You might have to ask others for help on this one, but it might be good for April's Fools day. Things like: "When dad asked "What was the name of that movie with Bambi in it?" The time dad hooked the seat of his pants with the fish hook. The time dad opened the bottle of red wine and managed to shoot it all onto the just painted white ceiling. The time mom got her arm stuck inside the dishwasher and had to call the fire department." (Yes all these really happened, but were actually my FIL, grandfather and mom. And it was one of those moving dishwashers you pulled over to the sink and attached to the faucet. The faucet attachment had fallen into the dw and she reached her arm in to pull it out, up past her elbow, and then couldn't get her arm out. She had to drag the ds over to the phone and call the fire department who dumped cooking oil down her arm I guess.)


50 top songs from each decade. I'd look at the billboard charts for each year for the types of music they like. Maybe pull ones you remember them listening too. If you can make one for each decade that might work better than just one of 50 songs from the whole time period. I say this mainly because going from favorites of the 60's to favorites of the 70's may just not mix well. But that would also depend on what kind of music they liked over the years.


Where did they go on their honeymoon? How did they meet? What were their colleges? Did they have a themed wedding? All of those could possible generate a list.

Edited by Renthead Mommy
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Thought of another one...


50 interesting things about the year they were married.


This is good. You can also spin this to be 50 great things that have happened on July 11th through out time. Do it in order and when you get to the year they were married put that in. When you get to 2011, you'd put in Mom and Dad were married 50 years.


You could do something similar for each of the years you and your sibs were born. 50 highlights of 1970 and end with so and so was born.

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This is such a cool idea! I wish I could do this for my parents. They really would love it.


Let's see, I will have been married 14 years. That means their next anniversary will be their 13th. So if I wait for their 50th, I'll be...77!!:eek: I guess that gives me plenty of time to work on it!


Maybe if I add up all their marriages for each of them... Naw... there's too much math involved in that one! :lol:

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50 great couples in history


Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn

Bogie and Bacall

Roger and Mimi

Romeo and Juliet

Mr. and Mrs. Brady

Ricky and Lucy

Ozzy and Harriet

Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

Ward and June Cleaver

FDR and Elanor

William and Kate

Brad and Angelina

Snow White and Prince Charming

Cinderella and Prince Charming (the other one)

Beauty and Beast

Captain and Tennille

various presidental, royal, ruling, policy making, history changing couples

yada, yada, yada

and end it with

Mom and Dad

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Awww, what a sweet idea!! My parents have been married for 33 years....I'll have to keep this in mind for the future!


Love the photo suggestions....as well as the songs. I'd do 50 great love songs.


How about having M&M's specially printed with 50 on them? You can do that on the M&M website.


I like that someone mentioned having 50 people write something special about them. And the 50 minute massages.


50 one dollar scratch off tickets....maybe they would hit it big!


If you could get someone to string 50 hearts hanging from a tree in their front yard so they could look out one morning and see it, that would be neat.


50 flowers delivered to them.


Weekend getaway that's 50 miles from home in any direction. Give them a night's stay there or something.

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