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What are you most thankful for this year?

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I may be a day or two early, but what five things are you most thankful for this year. There are so many things to be truly grateful for this Thanksgiving!


I know it may be hard to pick five, but I thought that was a good number.


I am thankful for...


1. For the birth of my healthy beautiful just perfect baby boy


2. Having a dh that loves me so much (even when I was so hormonal and terrible in pregnancy)


3. In all the uncertainty in the economy that my dh has a wonderful job and even got a raise


4. That I continue to grow in my relationship and adoration of our God


5. Being able to homeschool and keep my babes home with me everyday allowing them to forge a special bond with both me and each other


God is good!!!


So, what are you thankful for?

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1. For my dh's health, which has been compromised this year.

2. For my dh's family, whom I don't always appreciate, and yet they have blown me away by their recent love and support.

3. For my grandmother, who is still vibrant and active! I still have so much to learn from her.

4. For my faith families, both present and past ones, who have blessed me and taught me, and walked with me.

5. For my children, who bring joy to my life every day.

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I am thankful for the baby girl we adopted. Having a daughter has changed my life!


I am thankful my husband LIVED and is NOT PARALYZED from breaking his neck in his motorcycle accident this past summer.


I am thankful we SOLD the motorcycle. :D


I am thankful we have, thus far, escaped the financial meltdown happening everywhere and still have jobs.


I am thankful for the amazing experience we have had living in a new country.

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Besides the usual family and friends, I am thankful for:


1. Discovering the SCD diet. It has helped DS and I immensely with digestion issues.

2. My local Writer's Guild. I just joined a few months ago, and it has been fantastic knowing other local creatives!

3. Having a better understanding of the Gospel - that I am loved as I am right now, and will be loved as I am in the future.

4. My library. They've saved me thousands of dollars. :)

5. the internet and the availability of information on every topic imaginable. I can't imagine what homeschooling was like for my MIL 30 years ago. Now, it's easy to find anything you're curious about.

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Guest Cindie2dds
- my beautiful children

- being able to homeschool

- dh

- dh's job

- family

- our house


these and especially my mom who has always been there for me, no questions asked no matter what

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I'm grateful to be healthy this year and cancer free!

I'm grateful that in this economy our business is growing.

I'm grateful that I get to homeschool our 3 boys.

I'm grateful for the wonderful man I married. That past two years have been hard on our marriage... but we're making it through.

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I am actively thankful for these things every single day:


1. I am thankful that I have a home that is safe and warm.

2. I am thankful for my dh. He is kind and funny and devoted. He is a wonderful father and he is able to provide for us in a way that makes me feel secure.

3. I am thankful for our health.

4. I am thankful for my son. I didn't think I'd ever have children--I didn't think I wanted children--but I am so thankful dh wore down my resistance.

5. I am thankful that I have the capacity to love a child wholeheartedly.

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- I'm thankful for my boyfriend of 3 years. I know it sounds like some stupid teenage thing, but he's helped me through a lot of rough times and has helped me understand a lot of things and see life from a different perspective.

- I'm thankful that I'm able to self-educate myself. PS was making me hate learning. Self-education has helped me see there is learning beyond college.

- I'm thankful that I have a home. A place where I can be comfortable when sick, and where I can feel safe and loved.

- I'm thankful for my education. Not the self-education, but my education in general. I can read a book, I can write a letter, I can do basic math and beyond, you know? A lot of people don't have the chance to know how to do that. I think learning Latin has helped me see this.

- I'm thankful for my family. We definitely have a lot of issues, and while there are sometimes resentful feelings, I know I am loved and cared for best my family knows how.

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Love this Danielle! And wishing your family a wonderful Thanksgiving - please say hi to your DH and your mom and dad for me!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



Here goes:


1 - I am thankful for the Lord's sustaining love and His faithfulness (He has not left me or forsaken me)


2 - I am thankful for the wonderfully healthy young children and adult children He has surrounded me with (children, grand-children, co-op kids)


3 - I am thankful for my DH who is healthy and hard working and has a caring heart.


4 - I am thankful for the progress my dd30 has made in healing from (among other things) Chronic Lyme Disease AND that our knowledge from that led us to quick treatment for ds10's Lyme Disease.


5 - I am thankful for two son-in-laws who understand and live their wedding vows.


6 - AN EXTRA: I KNOW: I am thankful that we find ourselves in our homeschool co-op - we are not joiners, and finally this year we have been blessed with a wonderful group with whom we have become friends. These people have been a huge blessing in our life.


7 - I am thankful for the prayers and good thoughts and wishes of other -- that has made a world of difference in our recent and ongoing very sad time.



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Guest Cindie2dds
- I'm thankful for my boyfriend of 3 years. I know it sounds like some stupid teenage thing, but he's helped me through a lot of rough times and has helped me understand a lot of things and see life from a different perspective.


:grouphug: I still feel this way about my husband 21 years later.

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*I am thankful that my FIL's heart surgery was a success and it looks like he has another 15+ years of good health ahead of him :hurray:.


*I am thankful DH has a job that allows me to homeschool.


*I am thankful that our grandchildren are back in our lives after a 12 year absence.


*I am thankful our DD found a much less stressful job that has normal hours and can be home with our DGD at a reasonable time.


*I am thankful for all that God has provided - both the good and the bad.;)


Happy Thanksgiving

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