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Curricula in Spanish for Elementary


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Hi All,

I'm looking to expand the subjects that my 6 y.o. does in Spanish. So far we use MEP in Spanish for Math and I'll be adding Rod and Staff Spanish for grammar next year (after he has a better handle on reading in English.)


Any other curricula in Spanish that you have liked for elementary aged kids? Also any read-alouds that were originally written in Spanish, as opposed to English books translated into Spanish?




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Why not just order textbooks used in schools in Spain for the subjects you wish to cover in Spanish? I find that to be by far the least complicated option.

Same goes for read-alouds, children's books, literature you wish to cover in Spanish, etc. Ordering the materials from abroad is your best bet.

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Why not just order textbooks used in schools in Spain for the subjects you wish to cover in Spanish? I find that to be by far the least complicated option.

Same goes for read-alouds, children's books, literature you wish to cover in Spanish, etc. Ordering the materials from abroad is your best bet.


I suppose mainly because I'm not really a 'textbook person.' I don't really want to use traditional textbooks for history, science, math, etc. (Especially sight unseen.) I have found so many wonderful, creative sources for teaching (in English) and I was hoping to find equally fantastic sources in Spanish--books or curricula that would appeal to a 'living books', CM, or classical type...


Also, I had previously been looking on some Mexican websites for grammar textbooks, and they were so expensive to ship to the US, so I decided to go with R&S (though I haven't bought it yet, so I still have time to change my mind...)


Your suggestion reminds me though that I should probably look around more on the amazon libros en español section...

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I was just thinking that I have some books that are translations from English, but very good translations...not the mangling of Dr. Suess that you see in local bookstores. If you are interested in some ISBNs I can get those to you when we return from our trip. I also have some science books...a rather nice one about habitats if I remember correctly. I am certain that you will be able to find some of those books online because I checked before to see if they were available in the US.


Sorry about the price of tickets to Uruguay. Tickets to Colombia are about $350/person.

Edited by cmarango
Spelling mistake!
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Hi All,

I'm looking to expand the subjects that my 6 y.o. does in Spanish. So far we use MEP in Spanish for Math and I'll be adding Rod and Staff Spanish for grammar next year (after he has a better handle on reading in English.)


Any other curricula in Spanish that you have liked for elementary aged kids? Also any read-alouds that were originally written in Spanish, as opposed to English books translated into Spanish?





I hadn't even noticed they had a Spanish version. Thanks, so much for mentioning this.


Does you 6 y.o. already read Spanish? My children loved Juguemos a Leer and Mi Lbro Magico (the purple one) Not sure if they are available in the US though. We are in Mexico. They are text books for learning to read and write in Spanish, but are not text bookish. The first similar to ETC the second is not like anything I have seen in the U.S. Both are phonics based.




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I suppose mainly because I'm not really a 'textbook person.' I don't really want to use traditional textbooks for history, science, math, etc. (Especially sight unseen.) I have found so many wonderful, creative sources for teaching (in English) and I was hoping to find equally fantastic sources in Spanish--books or curricula that would appeal to a 'living books', CM, or classical type...


Also, I had previously been looking on some Mexican websites for grammar textbooks, and they were so expensive to ship to the US, so I decided to go with R&S (though I haven't bought it yet, so I still have time to change my mind...)


Your suggestion reminds me though that I should probably look around more on the amazon libros en español section...


If you find anything in the amazon section please post :) We just started using R&S as well because of prohibitive shipping costs. I'm always looking for more options.

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My children loved Juguemos a Leer


The last time I checked, this one was available on amazon.com. If not, they still sell other similar books by Trillas (same publisher as Juguemos).


R & S does not have a Spanish grammar program, only a reading program. SantillanaUSA has a lot of texts available, but they can be expensive. The one bookstore out of California that I was purchasing from went out of business :001_huh:. They had great stuff and it was inexpensive too. We have a local bookstore here and the owner often travels to Mexico to buy books. That's how I've squeaked through these years. Oh, you might also try delsolbooks.com. I think Alma Flor Ada had published some reading books, but they also have art, biographies, etc.


If you want living books, just get living books. Hit the library and get books in Spanish on whatever subject strikes ya'lls fancy. Science was done heavily that way here.


Sorry, not that much help- pregnancy brain and all...

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Here is the Santillana website. I have requested a catalog from them but I have not ordered anything.


Just to warn you, their customer service can be atrocious. If a good while passes and you don't receive the catalog, find your regional rep off the website and request it from them. I've found the regional reps quite helpful.


I've ordered Mundo Matematico from them (now replaced by another program), and would love to get the language arts, but don't have the funds.

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What?? Long time no see and this is how we learn of it? Congratulations!!!



Oops, yeah, and thanks! It was quite the surprise. I mentioned something back in June in a really long thread on the general board, so it was easily missed. I'm due end of December.

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Does you 6 y.o. already read Spanish? My children loved Juguemos a Leer and Mi Lbro Magico (the purple one) Not sure if they are available in the US though. We are in Mexico. They are text books for learning to read and write in Spanish, but are not text bookish. The first similar to ETC the second is not like anything I have seen in the U.S. Both are phonics based.





He can read syllables, and words if he concentrates. But I haven't been having him read because he is not reading in English yet, and I wanted to focus on that first. I was going to do reading in Spanish next year once his English is (hopefully) stronger.


I just snatched Juguemos a Leer used off of Amazon for $6 plus shipping. It was by Ahumada Rosario--is that the same one? I did see one other title of the same name by a different author--I hope I bought the right one!

Is Mi Libro Magico a handwriting text? I've found it for $15-$20 but I already have a few things I use for HW (including HWT in Spanish) so I'm disinclined to buy another.


Thanks for the help!


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I asked about reading before and several people thought that first reading in Spanish was better since it is almost entirely a phonetic language. That being said my dd is learning to read in both languages right now. She is a little bit more advanced in English, but her reading in Spanish is progressing as well...I rarely have to mention that the vowels in Spanish sound different now.

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I asked about reading before and several people thought that first reading in Spanish was better since it is almost entirely a phonetic language. That being said my dd is learning to read in both languages right now. She is a little bit more advanced in English, but her reading in Spanish is progressing as well...I rarely have to mention that the vowels in Spanish sound different now.


I have thought about doing Spanish first since it is so much easier to read than English. But he is not bilingual. English is definitely his first language and Spanish is definitely second, so I thought it made more sense to do English first. I'm hoping that since Spanish is so easy to read the transition will be easy once he is a strong reader? That's my game plan at least. He has no problem doing the vowel sounds so far...we go through the alfabet and do 'ba, be, bi, bo, bu' with each letter. He doesn't get confused, but I do!!! When we are doing English, it takes me a few seconds to say what sounds the vowels make--which is weird, because English is my first language. I guess little brains are just made to handle this better than us old folk.

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