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Stood up by another potential buyer (vent)!

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This is not in regards to anyone on this board... just a vent.


We are barely making ends meet financially especially in the winter when hubby's job is slow, slow, slow. Normally it's slow in the winter, but we've saved up from spring/summer to make up for it. However, the last two years have been horrid with the economy and we've gone through our liquid savings.


So, I post ads drastically lowering the prices on ponies we have for sale. We're losing money selling them at these prices, but such is the market and it's a little bit of cash in as well as one (or more) less mouths to feed.


Then I get inquiries. Then people set up appointments to come see them. Then I CALL to confirm the appointment the day before. Then I don't sign up for a [desired] job in my normal part time job subbing for math (or science) in our local high school.


Then, 45 minutes before folks are supposed to be HERE I get a phone call saying they aren't coming, can they reschedule?


It's just cost me $80 for ANOTHER no-show at a time when we are nearing school vacations so my paycheck will be cut naturally and at a time where we could really use the money considering all the above and Christmas coming. :mad:


PLEASE don't do this to people if you ever decide to go look at something someone is selling... (and, as I said before, this isn't related to anyone on this board - just a vent after this (or similar) has happened 3 TIMES in a row (different people at that!)).


I've been trying to figure out how in the world I can stop it from happening, but I haven't been successful. I call them the day before. I talk with them in person. I've generally sent pics ahead of time. I wish I could be like doctors and send a bill for my time with a last minute no-show. I really, really hate it when people have no regard whatsoever to another person's time and schedule. (And it isn't an emergency that came up on their end either. It just "isn't working out to come today.")


If we didn't need the $$ so badly I'd give them a piece of my mind and tell them to stuff it when they ask to reschedule... Instead I have to "play nice" and get my venting out here and with hubby... who isn't home at the moment.

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Thats really rude of them :glare:. I hope you get your ponies sold to excellent homes soon! Or you could lease them for the winter and then sell them when the market picks back up come spring and show season?


These particular ponies are youngsters 3 and 4 years of age who haven't been trained to ride yet. In better years, any pony left here by fall of their 3 year old year has been sent out to be trained, then sold from the trainer's place (all at a profit for us and them). With the economy crashing, show pony prices are down and we just don't have the $$ to put out to get them trained like we used to, so they've been hanging out in my pasture - quite happily I might add, but they need to move on and get jobs.


Leasing them for the winter isn't going to work. Three ponies that I have that do ride are all out being free leased until they sell. I was informed this morning that two might be selling soon. That would be helpful if it's true. In the spring that trainer might take on another one or two of mine to train, but that's spring.


The "market" for people willing to buy untrained ponies is really slow - hence I have to play nicely and be available for those who have the $$, time and experience.


Ethically I have to eliminate all the potential buyers without experience looking to just get a pony for their young child. That's a bad case scenario for both the pony and the kid and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if someone got hurt. One of those stopped by two nights ago. I directed him to a pony for sale down the road (that used to be mine and taught my boys to ride before teaching my neighbor's kids). Financially it was hard to do (suggesting someone else's pony), but it was the right thing. Why is it that those buyers show up and "good match" buyers don't? (Probably numbers - there are far more of them.)

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That's just stinky:glare:


I have had a problem with people not showing up to look at my parents house for sale. They call wanting to see it "right away" but then call back that it might be a couple of hours etc. Meanwhile my schooling hits the fan! So...I've remedied the problem by saying that I can show it at certain specific times (i.e., Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m., Thursday night at 6:30, etc.). I make them meet my needs. I have found, when selling on Craigslist, that if someone is truly a buyer, they will make the time work for them. I cannot count the number of hours I've wasted on people who say, "oh, it's exactly what I want" only to discover it's the wrong color, wrong size, etc. which should have been obvious from the ads or other information given.


Hope you sell those ponies and have a great end to the year.

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I suggest tat you mention in those phone calls that you will be taking off work to meet them, or can only meet on weekends. :grouphug: Maybe that will remind them that you have a life too.


Most of these people are at shows on weekends - or giving lessons. Lessons are the problem with meeting in the evening too.

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Would it be possible to refuse day time appointments? Normally, people would not be available to show anything during the day as they'd be at work...one can't just take work off at the drop of a hat to go home and show a for sale item. I don't think you'd be unreasonable to say evenings and weekends only.



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Would it be possible to refuse day time appointments? Normally, people would not be available to show anything during the day as they'd be at work...one can't just take work off at the drop of a hat to go home and show a for sale item. I don't think you'd be unreasonable to say evenings and weekends only.




I'd love to be able to do this, but the majority of the people who actually train ponies also own or work at a barn. They do their training during the day, then have lesson kids as soon as school is out and on weekends. When they aren't doing lessons on weekends they are usually at horse shows. Every now and then someone can come on a weekend or in the evening (we're hampered in the evening now by darkness too), but usually it has to be a mid-week daytime appointment.


That part I accept. It's the third stand up in a row from different people that tossed me over the edge - coupled with the "need" to sell now as opposed to merely a "it'd be nice to sell" as it's been in years past. It's one thing if they come and just don't like what they see (happens, but not often since pics and descriptions were sent first). It's another thing when they don't even come AFTER I called to confirm the day before.

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When setting up the appointment I would


1st, try to set up a time that will not interfere with a potential sub job. If that just does not work for the potential buyer then of course you


2nd, work with their schedule but nicely state it is not your preference because you substitute teach. However, you will turn down employment for that day to show your horses to them.


Hopefully, with that knowledge in hand they would not cancel short of serious emergency. But you never can tell with people. :grouphug:

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