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What's after 4th grade First Language Lessons?

Guest StateDOG

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Guest StateDOG

My daughter just finished Level 4 of First Language Lessons. There are no other books offered in that series.


Is there a recommendation of what to move onto next? Is it a product from w/in the Well Trained Mind curriculum? Or is there another curriculum that most move onto?


Thanks in advance!

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I was wondering that myself. We are finishing with the first book this and I really like it, but I'm wondering what comes after 4th grade. If nothing is planned then I'm thinking about just continuing with A Beka, which is what we're doing along side of FLL to keep some continuity. Does anyone know anything about this? Or have any plans?

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We decided to use A Beka "God's Gift of Language" - It has a lot of bright colors and cute pictures which at first, my 10 year old son did not like. However, after using it for a bit, he seemed to get over it.lol


I think so far, the lessons are easy for him to actually do a lot on his own. So that is a plus.


So far so good.




PS: he is in 5th grade level. Used all the First languages. They became too repetitive. Glad for something new.

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We finished FLL4 and moved right into R&S English 5 without skipping a beat. I thought the two programs really complemented each other well. R&S may seem a bit repetitive at first in terms of some FLL4 areas but new topics are soon sprinkled in. The thing to remember about R&S is that you don't have to do EVERYTHING that is available. If your child gets a concept, you don't need to do everything offered for a given lesson.

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