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scheduling FLL and WWE?


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WWE is broken into 36 "weeks" containing four days, typically we do WWE Monday - Thursday. FLL is broken into 85-89 individual lessons (level 4 and level 3), I typically have my kids do FLL twice a week, sometimes once or three times depending on the "extras" for the week and how busy we are.

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We started both in August, so I'm still tweaking our schedule.


We were doing each Monday - Thursday, one lesson per day.


Now I find that my kiddo prefers to do 2 lessons on a day, twice a week.


If it begins to really pick up speed, I will probably back it down again, but for now this is working well.

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We're doing WWE2 and FLL2. WWE2 we do 4 days a week, FLL 3 days a week (sometimes 2 if something goes awry). This is the same pattern we did for WWE 1 and FLL1. They are so easy to fit in -- it probably takes 10 minutes average for each one, and sometimes less. The most time consuming days are day four in WWE2 when it is narration and dictation combined, but still it is pretty brief.

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I think the older your dc are, the easier it is to do more in one day (up to a point, of course). I've literally just started WWE (we don't use FLL) and for my 11yo dd and 9yo dd I'm doing two "days" in one lesson, which seems to be working fine at the moment. However for younger kids or those who struggle to retain information, I think little and often is best.


From a purely personal point of view, I find two much getting books out/putting books away and tiny lesson lengths to be a faff; I'd rather get the stuff out, do a good 25mins, and then put it aside for marking. I think that's part of my personality :001_smile:

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I think the older your dc are, the easier it is to do more in one day (up to a point, of course). I've literally just started WWE (we don't use FLL) and for my 11yo dd and 9yo dd I'm doing two "days" in one lesson, which seems to be working fine at the moment. However for younger kids or those who struggle to retain information, I think little and often is best.


From a purely personal point of view, I find two much getting books out/putting books away and tiny lesson lengths to be a faff; I'd rather get the stuff out, do a good 25mins, and then put it aside for marking. I think that's part of my personality :001_smile:

I hear ya about tiny lessons. It is a CM principle I struggle with since, as a mom of many, it takes seemingly forever to get set up and put stuff away!


Today for instance, we crammed LA. My ds10 said "Mom, why do we do one subject for so long and skip other subjects that day?"


I had to laugh. It is because I HATE getting the stuff together for 15 different things/levels each day. :tongue_smilie:

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We're doing FLL1 and WWE1 with my son (6) and FLL4 and WWE4 with my daughter (9).


I went through the FLL1/2 book and combined lessons that I thought would work well together - my son would prefer to spend a little more time on the daily lesson and only have to do it 2 or 3 times rather than have shorter lessons that repeat 4+ times. However, I review each upcoming week and adjust as necessary because sometimes we fall behind or jump ahead depending on how well he comprehends the material.


Each of my children has an "independent folder" that they do at the beginning of each school day that includes morning tasks/chores, copywork, vocabulary, geography, etc. I have started taking his WWE copywork and including it in his folder so that he can get it done first thing in the morning (on the days that WWE has copywork to do). When there is narration, we include that as part of our reading time after lunch. Sometimes, I'll look ahead and check out the full text of the piece of litaerature that is the focus for the week from the library if I can remember to do so ahead of time. Both of my children like reading the full text rather than just the short selection in the WWE book.


I do have to say that, for the WWE4 work, I've found that my daughter isn't capable of handling the dictation just yet - it's too much for her. I think that is mainly because she is not used to taking dictation so I want to get ahold of the FLL3 book over the holiday break and use that instead, assuming the dictation in that level is easier.


That being said, my son does language (FLL, WWE) M-Th. He alternates spelling and handwriting M-Th as well. His lessons rarely last more than 30 minutes in total.


My daughter is doing IEW in addition to FLL/WWE so we are only doing WWE 2 days per week (skipping the dictation) at this point. Her lessons rarely last more than 45 minutes in total.

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