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Anyone with an Eeyore kid?

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My oldest is almost 7 (this Thursday ). He's a great kid with many wonderful qualities but he's always been a bit of an Eeyore. I know that about him and yet I'm finding this year he seems even more moody and difficult. He isn't openly defiant or showing bad behavior but I get a lot of sighing and complaining about school. He seems mopey and bored even when it's free time. And I've noticed a new tendency to be mean to his brother for no reason at all.


I find myself second guessing myself daily. Is homeschooling right for this child? Is there more I could be doing to make it fun? I've even considered changing curriculum. We used FIAR for preschool and K which I loved for that age but not so much for his age but today I found myself wondering if we should go back to unit studies. The thing is that's not very me and I dont' think I'd enjoy it or do a good job with it. The curriculum has to fit the teacher as well as the parent IMO. On a good day I know that it's not any thing I'm doing or not doing and that it's just him. On a bad day I feel like I'm doing everything wrong.


If I knew this was just a phase or just his personality I'd be ok with that. I have lots of strategies for dealing with his grumpies. But it's the thought that a different choice on my part would have him being a different, happier child that is keeping me up at night.


Not sure if this is too vague for anyone to help. Guess I'm just looking for BTDT advice from those with Eeyore kids or those who have 7 yr old boys that are moody. Anyone?

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My DS12 is Eeyore. That's funny that you say that, cuz we've called him that for years (not TOO him, just in private conversations between me and DH).


Glass if half full, all the bad things happen to him, etc etc etc. He has his moments of sunshine, but he definately leans to Eeyore more often than not.


It's a personality thing, I don't think it is something we have done to him. Cuz I have a Tigger in the house too. Same family, same family choices, rules, etc.


I tend to deal with it by trying to shine the light on the good things that he tends to "miss". Hoping persevering in shining the light will eventually help him see the sunshine in life. I also don't cater to it much. I often hear myself saying "Well, you can decide how you want your day to be. And then act that way" meaning...if you want a nice, happy day, act that way. If you want a mopey, grumpy day, woe is me day, then you can act that way too.

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