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Please HELP ME if you know/are close to a doctor!!

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I didn't read the whole post so don't know if anyone suggested this...Toxic Shock Syndrome.



My niece had almost the exact symptoms you describe except her whole body was red...almost like she was sunburned. She had the uncontrolled vomiting, diarrhea, dizzy, passing out, increased blood pressure and extreme fatigue. It took them 2 days after she was admitted to finally come to that diagnoses. They kept saying that she was having an allergic reaction too.


I hope she is feeling better and can get to the root of the problem soon. Thank goodness she has such a great sis to look out for her. :grouphug:

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Thank you everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers for my sister!!!!!


My sister has finally been able to be off all meds and is doing much better. Her blood pressure has also gone back down to normal.


The doctor still does not know exactly what was wrong with her. My sister had breast implants when she was 19 and soon after, she started to have strange things happen, like the outbreaks on her face, etc. Her white blood cells always seem to be elevated, etc. They think there is a possibility that she is allergic to the silicone from the implants. So, she will have some testing done for that.


So, everything seems to be going well. She did feel a little queezy after eating yesterday and went to lay down for a little bit. Other than that, all is good!!!!


Thanks again everyone! I am sorry I didn't post sooner, especially since I hate when others don't update:001_huh:, lol!

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Has she been tested lately for Lupus? I know Lupus organizations say there's no connection between it and breast implants, but there are a lot of Lupus patients who would disagree with that.

When there's that much speculation, it has to make you wonder if science hasn't caught up with what the Lupus population already instinctually knows, (not to say that everyone with Lupus thinks there's a connection).


I hope you get some answers soon-

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