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If you're doing Classical Conversations, are you doing any other co-op, too? Thinking

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If you're doing Classical Conversations, are you doing any other co-op, too? I'm thinking of doing a Story of the World Co-op; perhaps just the activities from the book... Or something. My son is 7 and I know that as he gets older, he will want more social time with others. Activities are a pain to do... so doing them together would give me more incentive :)


Anyone else do more than 1 co-op??


I'll take ideas :)

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We did CC plus another co-op last year. The other co-op was one we have done for several years, and it is an enrichment one. (We basically do unit studies--5 weeks on each unit.) It was too. much. for us to do the 2 co-ops. I was tutoring at CC, and I was so frazzled. I have never EVER been so happy to see Thanksgiving come, when we were on break! We didn't go to the other co-op for the 3 weeks after Thanksgiving--I needed a total break! And after Christmas, I was literally counting down the weeks until CC and the other co-op were done.


I also felt like we were never in a good school routine. We had the other co-op on Tuesdays, and CC on Thursdays, both mornings only, but we could never get in a good groove in those afternoons, mainly because I was so tired. So we just really did a full day of school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and it really wasn't enough for my 2 younger boys, who were in 2nd and 1st grades last year. The older boys did a week's worth of stuff no matter, but they really didn't need me too much anymore. The younger boys needed me a lot, so their stuff got pushed to the back burner. I feel like we are playing catch-up this year, as far as where they are--definitely not where the older 2 were at the same ages!


I also felt like I didn't have enough time to do a lot of extra things with the CC material, as I had planned to do originally. So I felt like our CC experience just wasn't as full as it could have been, and we are not doing CC this year. I am doing a jr. high co-op with my oldest son and 3 other boys (whose families are also in our enrichment co-op), but it also meets on Tuesday, so we are only out one day. I simply could not be out 2 days a week again! It was just too hard on the family and on our routine!

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Carrie, I think you have lost it a little. Please put the co-op idea down and slowly back away from the computer. :tongue_smilie:;)


j/k! But seriously? No. But my oldest is in 5th grade and I can't afford more time away from home.


BUT We do attend chess club twice a month, so I have toyed with the idea of dropping that (neither of my kids like chess, they just want to go for the friends) and doing a science club. But it's late afternoon, 3-5, so we are usually already done with school. I think for me the stress might come not from having to attend, but from having to prep it. I already do a lot of that as a CC tutor, so prepping another class would be too much for me.


Attendance? Yes (if later afternoon)

Teaching/Prep? No.

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When we lived in California, we were in an area with few children nearby. I found an enrichment co-op that a good friend attended a few weeks before CC ended. For 3 or 4 weeks, I did both. Then, we did the enrichment co-op until it ended for the summer.


I couldn't have managed more than that, it was tiring!


I'm with Claire on that one.


But, I have friends who I can see it working for, extroverts with a lot of energy.

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Yes, I want my children to have more indepth science. So, we do this at another co-op. We get what we need and go. We don't hang out socializing for more than 10-15 minutes.


This is only for an hour and a half - one day a week.


It's not too far from home and near the bank, library, grocery store, post office, etc... I plan my week to do certain things on certain days - this makes it easy on ME.

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