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Singapore IP and CWP: Do you use both or one of them


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I have been using IP from 1A to 3A now, but only used CWP 2. I feel that IP has a lot of word problems already. Should I use CWP too? I am just debating. Now that we spent extra weeks on mastering mulptilication, we are already doing 3A TB and WB (standard editon) for 7 months. It is hard to add much more. When you are running short of time, do you choose one of the two to do, (IP and CWP) or would you still do both?

I also have ds do one page of MEP a day for fun.

Does anyone use only the main TB, WB, and CWP without IP? Would that be a better way?


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We use Singapore with all the extras -- Extra Practice, Intensive Practice and the Challenging Word Problems. We don't always complete all the sections in each of these books, particularly if I feel that they have really got the concepts down solid and it's getting simply repetitive.


I will say that we are "behind" where others might be, because we take longer adding in extras; my 7th grader is starting 6A, my 4th grader is starting 3B; my KGer is in 1A, but I expect her too to slow down as she gets more variety of work.

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We use both, but we don't use the regular workbook. My DD completes the chapter in the text including the practices and then does IP & CWP (usually in that order).


If I were using the workbook and had to pick between IP & CWP, I think it would depend on whether I thought the child would benefit more from additional work on word problems or from having the more challenging "puzzle" type problems in IP.

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We do both, but that is becuase my goal is for the kids to be prepared for the thinking work in the upper level Singapore math. You can go straight into upper level maths, but it generally is easier on the child if they are used to challenging work.



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We use both; the IP is more challenging than the CWP. I tend to push throught the CWP a bit more and linger over the IP. My boys need more hand holding to get through some of the problems in the IP (so do I!), but the challenge is good for us. If I absolutely had to pick one or the other, I would do IP, since it does have word problems similar to CWP.


If you (or your student) is overwhelmed, just s l o w it all down; work "behind" in CWP/IP.

Edited by Zoo Keeper
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We use the txtbk, wrkbk, IP and CWP (old version). Dd starts her morning with 2 problems from CWP and then does an exercise in the txtbk and wrkbk. When we finish a unit we do the corresponding unit in IP.


If I had to choose between IP and CWP I think I would choose IP because it gives you a different look and puts a spin on the material.

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I think IP is harder than CWP too.

Now I will need to find those old CWPs. Can you point me to where to find them or will you sell yours to me?

In the month of August, I was truly tempted to switch to Math Mammoth because of the rave reviews on the forum and my ds's difficulty getting all the mulptilication facts down. I am very glad we didn't switch. Now he is doing well. Younger ds is doing very well with Singapore.

Thanks for sharing your options and I do want to add CWP now.


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We use both, but like CrimsomWife, we do not use the Workbook. We use the Textbook, the IP and the CWP.



Us too!


We use the CWP half a level behind. If they get the first three correct-no careless errors, labeled units, etc., then we skip to the challenging ones. Usually they get to skip.

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Thought I would add.


I have my kids read the textbook themselves. Generally we are ahead in Right Start math, so they have already covered these topics. They just need it to be refreshed in their minds, so they read the text then do the workbook.


I don't have the time to coordinate so after they do all of the A and B primary texts they do all the IP A, IP B then finish with the CWP books for that level. I don't do any behind level, because that gives them additional strategies to use to solve the problems, and as I stated before I want them to be challenging and get them used to having to really think through things.



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