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s/o pros cons/ alone time

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SO...i just read the thread about "If my kids were in school"...

first of all, it cracked me up

secondly, it hit very close to home


It got me thinking...with all of us being surrounded by our kids day in and day out, how are we making sure we ARE getting the time/space we need to take care of ourselves so we can take care of those around us?


When DH and I decided to homeschool I told him that I would NEED some weekly alone time. I could get through the week much better knowing I would be getting that time. He had been playing volleyball at the church on Tues/Thursday nights for fun and we came up with a plan. On Tuesday night he could go play volleyball straight from work and on Thursdays, the second he walks through the door I'm off the clock! I leave and I don't come home until AFTER bedtime. I'm free roam around the mall, get the occasional pedicure, hang out with some girlfriends, browse through a craft store...ANYTHING! At one point we switched days and I signed up for a class at Joann's and a few times I've gone to the apple store to learn more about my mac. Lately I've been bringing my oldest daughter for some girl time. It's been AWESOME!!! I love it. It's how I make it and I come home able to face the week.


I'm not gonna lie, sometimes the kids have cereal for dinner and the house isn't how I'd prefer, but who cares!


So, how do YOU take care of yourself and get the time you need to re-charge?

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I have older kids who can babysit, so getting alone time is not difficult for me anymore.

But when I first began h'schooling, dh and I made sure I always had a gym membership with onsite childcare.

Exercising can clear my head like nothing else. It's really amazing the stress I can handle as long as I can sweat for an hour, lol.

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I teach two classes a week, and my "alone time" is driving to and from those classes (and stopping, shopping, and so on). DD also does an every other week science class, and while she's at that, I get about an hour 1/2 alone. Her other classes are my "social time", because they're ones where the moms stay and chat.


What I'm STARVING for is alone time with my husband. His work schedule is such that he's getting home about the time DD is settling for the night, and since I've been up with her since early in the morning,I can't stay up all that much later than she can without suffering for it the next day. I had hopes that we'd all get on a schedule closer to DH's, but that hasn't worked with an "early bird" child. Let's just say that DD better not have plans for a little brother or sister any time soon!

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