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Please help with the vocabulary/analogy question

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DS and I are trying to figure out one of the analogies in VFTHSS.


It is looking for the closest relationship as the capitalized pair.



a. umbrella : rain

b. barrier : communication

c. oven : fuel

d. showcase : privacy

e. automobile : transportation


According to the answer key, the correct answer is 'd.' I'm just not seeing how that could be correct.



Edited by stacim
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Well I would have chosen d because privacy was the only thing that came near concealment but I cannot make cache and showcase match at all!


I have to say i hate analogies though......;) I can never make them fit, I keep going "yes, but, its not really even close is it...."

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Well, I think it's a rather poor analogy because it requires a stretch of a rather obscure use of the word "cache". In nearly all circumstances, "cache" means to conceal, hide, store away, secret hiding spot, etc. However, in an obscure useage it can also mean a collection of valuables that one might consider displaying. I have heard this only used twice and I still do not necessarily agree that it is a good use of the word, "I have a cache of silver coins in a locked show case." (Used this way once when talking to a coin collector and then again concerning some valuable baseball cards." Also, one might consider bringing out one's "cache" to show off to an individual or group. But again, this is using the term in a very loose way.


Of course, privacy can equal concealment because we do not share or showcase that which we would like to keep private.


Maybe someone else can shed more light on this than I.



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But that's not how I do analogies--I look for how the first word relates to the second, not to relate the first word with the third word, and the second word with the fourth word. How they are used, what the purpose it, how they are related--then use that same relation with the second pair--arrggh, trouble explaining.

It seems to me some previous posters are trying to make the first and third words mean the same, and the second and fourth words mean the same.


Anyway, I do it intuitively sometimes, anyway! lol

D makes perfect sense to me.

Edited by Chris in VA
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Well, I think it's a rather poor analogy because it requires a stretch of a rather obscure use of the word "cache". In nearly all circumstances, "cache" means to conceal, hide, store away, secret hiding spot, etc. However, in an obscure useage it can also mean a collection of valuables that one might consider displaying. I have heard this only used twice and I still do not necessarily agree that it is a good use of the word, "I have a cache of silver coins in a locked show case." (Used this way once when talking to a coin collector and then again concerning some valuable baseball cards." Also, one might consider bringing out one's "cache" to show off to an individual or group. But again, this is using the term in a very loose way.




Ah, see, I am familiar with the noun use of cache--from the book A Cache of Jewels, a book of collective nouns.

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But that's not how I do analogies--I look for how the first word relates to the second, not to relate the first word with the third word, and the second word with the fourth word. How they are used, what the purpose it, how they are related--then use that same relation with the second pair--arrggh, trouble explaining.

It seems to me some previous posters are trying to make the first and third words mean the same, and the second and fourth words mean the same.


Anyway, I do it intuitively sometimes, anyway! lol

D makes perfect sense to me.


I do it that way too Chris, but I still can't make this one make sense. When I can't get it doing it that way, then I relate them the way it was done above, and try any which way I can to make sense of it. Can you explain your thinking on why this makes perfect sense? :) The way you described cache is the only way I've heard it used, and have used it myself as well. But I still can't find how that equates with "showcase" and privacy. Showcase seems wrong to me.


I am sooooo glad I'm not having to take tests with vocabulary analogies!!!! :tongue_smilie: I think they were dropped from the SAT for a reason. :001_huh:

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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But that's not how I do analogies--I look for how the first word relates to the second, not to relate the first word with the third word, and the second word with the fourth word. How they are used, what the purpose it, how they are related--then use that same relation with the second pair--arrggh, trouble explaining.

It seems to me some previous posters are trying to make the first and third words mean the same, and the second and fourth words mean the same.


Anyway, I do it intuitively sometimes, anyway! lol

D makes perfect sense to me.


That is how the book explains it, and the way that I have understood it as well. One problem, however, is that the only definition of cache provided by the book is "hiding place to store something." It seems that the relationship would be that a cache provides concealment, but a showcase does not provide privacy. Of all of the words listed, cache is the only one that is a vocabulary word.


Still confused... :confused:

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One problem, however, is that the only definition of cache provided by the book is "hiding place to store something." It seems that the relationship would be that a cache provides concealment, but a showcase does not provide privacy.

I agree. It seems like it would make more sense if it was:


SHOWCASE : DISCLOSURE or PUBLICITY (or some other word that represents the opposite of privacy)



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