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Anyone ever use Valerium Root?

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I am having some major stress issues right now. Dh has taken a major pay cut. My dd18 has lost her mind and I feel like I am about to lose it. A friend recommended it to me but I'm not sure. I have been diagnosed with anxiety before but I have never been able to take the medications. I can't stand that foggy feeling. Any reports on the valerian root. Any other suggestions? That is of course aside from running away! Just kidding, I think......

Edited by thowell
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I don't recommended for sleeping, it can actually cause the opposite.

One would have to try it to know. Similar to how Benedryl makes some kids sleep but others go nuts! lol


My 10yo dd and I use valerian root for getting to sleep sometimes. It really helps when you have that "I can't shut my brain off!!!!" feeling. My favorite is a homeopathic version by Energetix but I found Tazo Rest tea has it and works like a charm!

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One would have to try it to know. Similar to how Benedryl makes some kids sleep but others go nuts! lol


My 10yo dd and I use valerian root for getting to sleep sometimes. It really helps when you have that "I can't shut my brain off!!!!" feeling. My favorite is a homeopathic version by Energetix but I found Tazo Rest tea has it and works like a charm!


Have you run this by a dr (general or alternative)? Just curious, not condemning. I would be a bit concerned with using it with kids without someone who knows giving the ok only because of my experience with it and a drug loving ex-boyfriend (who actually cultivated and used opium poppies for fun).

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Valerian makes me have extremely realistic nightmares.


I think if you don't like the foggy feeling from medications, you won't like Valerian. It made me feel somewhat high when I was awake. Some people really love it, though. I even know someone who is dang near addicted to it. I think you should just try it once to see how it affects you. It's pretty cheap as a bulk herb (you can steep it as a tea) so you can buy a very small amount to try it.

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One would have to try it to know. Similar to how Benedryl makes some kids sleep but others go nuts! lol


........ I found Tazo Rest tea has it and works like a charm!


Had to laugh at this one :lol: When I drink the Tazo Rest tea, I feel like I'm on speed. The brain won't shut off and I zip around like crazy. Sleep??? I don't think so. :D


You are right that it works differently on different people.


As far as taking a pill form, I think the herb smells like vomit, and then I burp that vomit smell/taste......yuck! And, I agree with the person who has the realistic nightmares; me, too! I don't touch this in pill form again.


I do like to drink the Tazo Rest tea......for breakfast!:tongue_smilie:

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So what is a good supplement for stress reliever? I am trying to manage on my own but I have had a stress headache for almost a month now, my shoulders hurt, my jaw hurts from gritting my teeth. I want something that will help take the edge off but not affect my ability to school my kids. Something that is not habit forming. I really don't want to take the stuff the doctors give because I have never taken medications except antibiotics when needed and even Tylenol affects me.

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I used Valerium before I was medicated and it worked well for mild anxiety and hypomania but I do have a higher tolerance to meds than most so it might be too strong for someone else. KAVA KAVA works about the same. There is concern about both of them causing liver damage. Another possibility would be sublingual, dissolvable GABA. Barbituates (valium, xanax, etc.) work on the GABA system so it would be a much weaker form of an anti-anxiety med. Calmes Forte is also good as is Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy is so strong that it stopped my labor for 15 minutes during transition which gave me just enough time to catch a breather and gather my strength to finish.


If your friend is interested in a prescription anti-anxiety at some point in the future, I would recommend Buspar. It is not in the benzo class and does not have the same side effects. It is also non-addictive. You really can't even tell you are taking it. The effects are not immediate. It isn't like you take the med and then feel calmer in 15 minutes. You take it three times a day, every day and then after a few days you notice that the anxiety is gone and you no longer feel overly stressed or grumpy. Not only have I tried this med myself but I have seen it work for two of my brothers, my dd and a few other people with anxiety DXes.

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I am having some major stress issues right now. Dh has taken a major pay cut. My dd18 has lost her mind and I feel like I am about to lose it. A friend recommended it to me but I'm not sure. I have been diagnosed with anxiety before but I have never been able to take the medications. I can't stand that foggy feeling. Any reports on the valerian root. Any other suggestions? That is of course aside from running away! Just kidding, I think......



My mom uses it as a sleep aid, and has no weird dreams or other side effects. I wouldn't take it during the day.


It smells really bad. Reminds me of baby poop. :oP

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Kitties love valerian, but it does smell really bad, makes me very sleepy, and slows the heart rate.

Rescue Remedy also makes me too sleepy to function, I use it when I get a bee sting.:001_smile:

There are herbal preparations with valerian as one of the ingredients, mixed with other herbs and not as the main ingredient is fine.

We've used stuff by christopher's herbs called mind trac and relax eze which gave the desired effects. Helped with depression, focus and general overall better state of mind.

I hope you find what you are looking for.:)

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I have severe anxiety and panic disorder. I don't like valerian because it makes me feel dopey. I do drink chamomile tea sometimes and that is pretty mild and I don't get dopey. I also like Rescue remedy. Kava makes me feel dopey too. I hate feeling dopey, and I am paranoid about getting addicted to anything.


I do take prescription meds. I take buspar and zoloft for anxiety. They do not work until you take them daily for at least a couple weeks, and you do not feel tired, or goofy or dopey because they work on a completely different principle than the stuff that makes you dopey. They are also not addictive. I am easily freaked out by stuff that makes me feel foggy and I wouldn't take anything even like cold medicine with benadryl in it for that reason.


I highly recommend that you see a psychiatrist and work with that doctor on finding meds that work for you, because it really makes a big difference and sometimes you have to try several meds or combinations to find what works.

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I am having some major stress issues right now. Dh has taken a major pay cut. My dd18 has lost her mind and I feel like I am about to lose it. A friend recommended it to me but I'm not sure. I have been diagnosed with anxiety before but I have never been able to take the medications. I can't stand that foggy feeling. Any reports on the valerian root. Any other suggestions? That is of course aside from running away! Just kidding, I think......


I *HIGHLY* recommend l-theanine for anxiety and valerian only for use at night. I was on prescribed medication for anxiety for about 6 months and feared I wouldn't be able to come off of it. L-theanine allowed me to. It comes from green tea, is safe, and is healthy. It won't make you drowsy like valerian can.

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