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Have 2 questions for those using TOG

plain jane

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I'm considering using TOG for my Logic stage history rotation. When I was on the site last night I realized that they consider grades 4-6 to be upper grammar and 7-9 to be dialectic. Thing is, my fifth grader will have already read most of the books in the upper grammar level and I had hoped to put them in the dialectic level.


How true to age/skill are the TOG levels? I know you can go back and forth between levels according to what your child is ready for but I can't afford to buy all the lower grammar (for my younger student), upper grammar, and dialectic books (I would like to purchase ahead of time so I have everything ready to go over the summer rather than winging it during the school year).


Could a student who is working above grade level in grade 5 be capable of the dialectic level work or would I be expecting far too much from them?


Also, I was wondering how many of you choose to buy the print and DE edition? I would like the print edition for sure because I can't afford to print everything off and I don't like reading off the computer, but I can see the benefit of having an electronic version as well. My problem with this, is being a new TOG user, adding the $20 for the DE version negates my ability to resell should the program be a total flop for us. :( I'd like to hear your pros and cons about which to choose, please.

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I can't answer as to the ages and stages yet, because my kiddos are both lower grammar, but if you have multiple levels of kids, I would suggest the print version. I will have kids at the same level for most stages and prefer the DE so I can print off only applicable pages. With multiple stages, you could be printing more than you would like. Just a thought!

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Buy just the print. If it works out, you can spend $35 to add on the digital. You lose the savings, but get the digital benefits once you *know* it will work.


As for your 5th grader in dialectic...yes. You can do it, just remember to ease into dialectic discussions, i.e. assign a couple of questions, not all of them! My daughter, an average student, started Dialectic in grade 5 and her average student brother started rhetoric in grade 9, her other "gifted in humanities" brother is doing R in grade 8. My current 5th grader is doing both UG and D, as appropriate for her skills (lots of D reading, but not much by way of Socratic Discussion or writing).


TOG really is what you make it!

Edited by johnandtinagilbert
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Buy just the print. If it works out, you can spend $35 to add on the digital. You lose the savings, but get the digital benefits once you *know* it will work.


If you buy a print version used, would you still have the option to add the DE for $35? Just curious. :001_smile:

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My DD10 is in sixth grade by PS standard (started K at 4), she is doing D with TOG Y2 this year. In looking back at Y1, she did what would be D work last year as well. I have just eased into the discussion questions as recommended without trouble, especially since she is coming from SL.


I purchased DE, by the unit so that I was sure. If it didn't work I would only be out the $35. I recently upgraded to DE plus print while print is on sale, $50 off for Y2. I really like having the print for planning but love the DE, a few clicks on the desktop and I can pull up whatever I want, search the year, or print. My youngest DS is only two years old so I am thinking DE will pay for itself over time. :) I discussed this with one of the Somervilles, if you buy the DE then you have the lifetime option of purchasing print for the going rate. I had originally intended to wait until my DD was in R before I bought print but couldn't pass up the price with the current sale. This way I have one print copy and can always update pages as needed in the future, or in 10 years if I think I need to I can just buy the latest print. That was my reasoning with so many DC to follow. YMMV.

Edited by melmichigan
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