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How to tell when your 5 yr old has heard a ton of her big sisters read-alouds .....

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My 5 year old was doing phonics and was learning about adding "s" to a word to make it plural.


Well, she couldn't say "kids" She was going kidu-s...over and over. Finally, she says...."at least I can say chickabiddy" ...which is from "Dancing Shoes." I love the words British authors use.




Stories like this have convinced me that the exposure to excellent literature....even if they are listening and not reading....REALLY does make a difference.

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My 5 year old was doing phonics and was learning about adding "s" to a word to make it plural.


Well, she couldn't say "kids" She was going kidu-s...over and over. Finally, she says...."at least I can say chickabiddy" ...which is from "Dancing Shoes." I love the words British authors use.




Stories like this have convinced me that the exposure to excellent literature....even if they are listening and not reading....REALLY does make a difference.




I asked my ds4 how he was doing several days ago and he responded "I'm well."

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My 5 year old was doing phonics and was learning about adding "s" to a word to make it plural.


Well, she couldn't say "kids" She was going kidu-s...over and over. Finally, she says...."at least I can say chickabiddy" ...which is from "Dancing Shoes." I love the words British authors use.




Stories like this have convinced me that the exposure to excellent literature....even if they are listening and not reading....REALLY does make a difference.


Except the other day (after having read a ton of British Lit) I almost called a friends female dog a "b*tch", forgetting that most Americans in the circles I run in would look askance at that word!

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I keep waiting for dd's to use the word a$$ for a horse/donkey/mule.



we have recently been listening to CS Lewis's The Last Battle from the Chronicles of Narnia. That word is used LIBERALLY in that book (properly of course.) I have a feeling one of my kids may use it as well, especially since we just got a new donkey on our farm!

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