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Question about correcting spelling mistakes?


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I just have a quick question about correcting spelling mistakes. My oldest is 7 and working at a second grade level. When he writes sentences for different subjects and spells words wrong (ex. playce for place) do I keep correcting his spelling as we go along, or do I just mark his papers and return them later? Right now I keep erasing his mistakes and having him write the correct spelling, but it doesn't seem to stick anyway and the school day takes much longer. What do you do? :bigear:

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I think part of it is that it takes some maturity before they can actually spell at the same level that they think. Also, some kids are just natural spellers. Mine aren't. What I started doing (and it's showing significant improvement in both my bad spellers) is to look at the misspelled words some time after they are done with the writing project. I add them to their spelling list for the next week. I stopped correcting them on the spot because they started getting really frustrated, and their writing went downhill. They started choosing easy words so the didn't have to erase and could get the writing done easier. Every kid is different. I know a lot of people think correcting on the spot is better, because it will help them remember it next time. I found that my kids were such terrible spellers, it was just an exercise in frustration. So I correct a few errors, ones that I felt they should really know (because they worked on the rule), or they have had on a spelling list earlier, others will be added and worked on for the next week.

Good luck. Spelling has been a hard road in this house.

Hot Lava Mama

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I like to think about the goal of the assignment. Is it to show what he knows in history or science, to learn how to play with and manipulate words in language arts--or is it spelling?


If the goal is not spelling, then I wouldn't correct as you go along--I think the child would end up overly frustrated & not wanting to write.


If the piece is going to be "polished," then you can correct for spelling later. I'd let the "idea formation" stage of writing not be hindered by having to write perfectly the first time. HTH!


Merry :-)

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I just have a quick question about correcting spelling mistakes. My oldest is 7 and working at a second grade level. When he writes sentences for different subjects and spells words wrong (ex. playce for place) do I keep correcting his spelling as we go along, or do I just mark his papers and return them later? Right now I keep erasing his mistakes and having him write the correct spelling, but it doesn't seem to stick anyway and the school day takes much longer. What do you do? :bigear:


I think you should do whatever is easiest for you and less frustrating for him in regard to how and when you correct it.


But I will add that those words that are spelled wrong in writing assignments are the words I jot down and make a note of to myself, so that the following week I can assign them as spelling words for review.


And spelling review is kept fun- things like tossing a ball back and forth while chanting the letters to each other, writing them on the sidewalk in chalk, tracing them in a salt tray with your finger, incorporating them into arts and crafts type things, making them in "bubble letters" and then coloring or decorating the bubble letters and so on.

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In second grade, there is very little (I can't THINK of anything) as part of her regular school that my dd7 has to spell. I do a lot of writing things on the board for her to copy and spelling out loud. I write her history narrations out and she usually draws or copies things out for science. She won't start spelling until next year (she's still working on phonics now and we will use Spelling Power)

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I just have a quick question about correcting spelling mistakes. My oldest is 7 and working at a second grade level. When he writes sentences for different subjects and spells words wrong (ex. playce for place) do I keep correcting his spelling as we go along, or do I just mark his papers and return them later? Right now I keep erasing his mistakes and having him write the correct spelling, but it doesn't seem to stick anyway and the school day takes much longer. What do you do? :bigear:


I have an un-natural speller and I do spend a goodly bit of time with him every day working on spelling. I do NOT work on spelling with him during history, etc. because it's exhausting and frustrating. So I let it go but I do encourage him to ask me if he's unsure instead of just plowing through with his crazy invented spellings. I'm trying to motivate him to CARE about his spelling and when I saw an improvement in his attitude regarding his spelling I saw an improvement in his ability. My guy is in 5th grade, btw.

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