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Anyone else allergic to the sun?

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Right after my second child was born, I started having reactions each spring when exposed to the sun. After dealing with this for a few years I finally went to the dermatologist was diagnosed with polymorphous light eruption and he prescribed Plaquenil. It works, but I have to remember to take it regularly for about six weeks.


So am I the only one? Anyone else have ways of coping besides staying out of the sun completely?

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Do you by any chance take supplements? My dd developed an allergy to the sun after taking a supplement that contained a Chinese herb. Trying to think of the name of it -- dong quai? Anyway, if you take any herbal supplements, I recommend looking them up on the internet to see if any mention sensitivity to the sun as a possible side effect. About half the websites I checked did not mention this side effect, so you need to check multiple sites.

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Thanks Claire, but supplements aren't the problem. We ruled all that stuff out about 5 years ago.


I was doing some reading online tonight trying to see if there were any new developments, but unfortunately not. I did read though that it subsides for women sometimes after menopause. Hmmm... another 10 years???

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I think mine started following a trip to WDW. I really didn't get burned or anything. But, the only think I could figure was....(and I know this sounds weird) I was wearing a lanyard with all those silly pins and some of the pins were rubbing on my skin on my chest which had gotten pink from the sun, but not blistered. Anyway ever since then, anytime I get a little too much sun (which used to be just enough to start a tan), it itch like crazy and I've broken out in welts/hives before.


What have you found to help with this when it happens?

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Honestly, nothing helps me once it happens. I have tried everything. That's when I decided to go to the dermatologist. The plaquenil works! You just have to take it for about six weeks before you reap the benefits.


I just hate take medications and keep hoping that they'll discover something more natural that will work.

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Two days ago I met a woman who has been like this since she was a child (she called it sun poisoning) and she's in her mid-sixties. They didn't know anything about it back then. She said she uses a prescription sun block and doesn't spend that much time in the sun. Hang in there, it's not new!

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I have never taken meds for it though. Although because of the Sjogren's I have I am going to ask my Rheumy about Pacquenil.

Here is how I deal with the sun issue. Try to get a bit of sun exposure everyday. This is also good for your Vit D production. Then when the sun gets stronger slowly increase your daily exposure, and try not going out with the sun is it's strongest. Usualy by mid summer I can spend several hours at the water park without any problems. I have been controling this for years this way

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Yes. All my life. It was awful as a child because my mom did not care and would dress me for summer (lots of exposed skin) and then take me to the beach or the huge So.Cal outdoor swap meets. I would usually end the day vomitting (sorry, tmi) and spend the next week dealing with pain from sunburn and horrible hives. When I got old enough to have more control over my own clothes and time outside I made sure to always have some sort of light covering over my arms and wear a hat when possible. Now that I love on the OR coast it is easy to keep covered since it never warm enough to not wear at least long sleeves. Even than I have to be careful about my face, scalp and hands getting too much exposure.

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I get migraines from the sun and migraines when I get too hot.


Many people are NOT understanding. I've heard comments that imply it is a character issue! (It's not that bad! What would you do if you lived in _________? {fill in blank w/hot climate} I'm not hot at all! Are you going to be like every time the sun comes out? You really pamper yourself.)


If I get burned, my skin swells and itches. But the headaches are the worst.

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His hives last about an hour, but that hour is almost unbearable. We try to increase exposure times, so that he is more comfortable when the summer really hits. The worst part is that now the inside of his mouth swells up when he is at the dentist and gets exposed to that giant dentist's light! Poor guy!

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