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Another TOG Question - Am I Delusional?


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I am really struggling with history/literature and I'm hoping TOG will be what I'm looking for; I just thought I'd run it by the group. Here's are my issues: BTW, I'm currently using SOTW Vol 2 for my 3rd & 5th grader.



  • My history acumen is TERRIBLE!
  • I have no clue how to challenge my 5th grader without loosing my 3rd grader.
  • I have assigned books for reading, but haven't had time to pre-read most of them to ask good questions.
  • I feel like I need something to tell me what pages to read when, so we will actually get through a book. (We've been reading Augustine Came to Kent for 3 weeks now - ugh!)
  • I work part time and some weeks, like this one, I work more and really need to have a more independent approach.


I have looked through the TOG website until I think my eyes are going to pop out and I really feel like it will solve many of my problems. (It won't clean my house or shed these 25 lbs, but other than that, I'm hopeful!) I'm pretty comfortable with the buffet approach, e.g. saying no to assignments. But tell me, am I off base? If not, I have to justify the $$ to DH!

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I am really struggling with history/literature and I'm hoping TOG will be what I'm looking for; I just thought I'd run it by the group. Here's are my issues: BTW, I'm currently using SOTW Vol 2 for my 3rd & 5th grader.



  • My history acumen is TERRIBLE!

  • I have no clue how to challenge my 5th grader without loosing my 3rd grader.

  • I have assigned books for reading, but haven't had time to pre-read most of them to ask good questions.

  • I feel like I need something to tell me what pages to read when, so we will actually get through a book. (We've been reading Augustine Came to Kent for 3 weeks now - ugh!)

  • I work part time and some weeks, like this one, I work more and really need to have a more independent approach.

I have looked through the TOG website until I think my eyes are going to pop out and I really feel like it will solve many of my problems. (It won't clean my house or shed these 25 lbs, but other than that, I'm hopeful!) I'm pretty comfortable with the buffet approach, e.g. saying no to assignments. But tell me, am I off base? If not, I have to justify the $$ to DH!


One of the things I love about TOG are the teachers notes and questions. Even if you don't stay a step ahead with the books, you have enough information reading the teachers notes to know what they should be learning. I love having clear objectives for the week laid out for you.


Maybe buy a unit and give it a go? Try to get as many books from the library you can so it's not an expensive venture in case it's not for you.


Good luck,


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Maybe buy a unit and give it a go? Try to get as many books from the library you can so it's not an expensive venture in case it's not for you.


:iagree: This is our first year using TOG and I'm really happy with it but I know there are others who felt differently after trying it. You mentioned that you want something that is all laid out for you with what pages to read. With TOG it will tell you what books (or portions of books) to read but it's laid out by week, so you'll need to decide how much to get through each day.


The layout of the 3 week sample is not the same as the actual unit. The sample is much more specific regarding what should be done each day. The best way to get a true feel for the program would be what the PP mentioned above.

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I am really struggling with history/literature and I'm hoping TOG will be what I'm looking for; I just thought I'd run it by the group. Here's are my issues: BTW, I'm currently using SOTW Vol 2 for my 3rd & 5th grader.



  • My history acumen is TERRIBLE! Mine, too. I have grown in my knowledge Drastically from TOG!

  • I have no clue how to challenge my 5th grader without loosing my 3rd grader.BTDT and TOG allows me to reach all levels *currently in 4 levels!*

  • I have assigned books for reading, but haven't had time to pre-read most of them to ask good questions. I used to spend countless hours reading all their books. The teacher's notes allow me the advantage to read what I want to and still really get by when I don't.

  • I feel like I need something to tell me what pages to read when, so we will actually get through a book. (We've been reading Augustine Came to Kent for 3 weeks now - ugh!) Done weekly, not daily, but easily effective.

  • I work part time and some weeks, like this one, I work more and really need to have a more independent approach. It makes a huge difference in a 5th graders direction for independent study; in fact, it's a purpose behind the curriculum.


I have looked through the TOG website until I think my eyes are going to pop out and I really feel like it will solve many of my problems. (It won't clean my house or shed these 25 lbs, but other than that, I'm hopeful!) I'm pretty comfortable with the buffet approach, e.g. saying no to assignments. But tell me, am I off base? If not, I have to justify the $$ to DH!

Sounds like it will truly be worth a try for you!

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If you are looking at something independent, have you looked at the VP self-paced classes? We're doing them and I LOVE them. They are far deeper than I ever got around to teaching, include mapwork, cultural info, extra reading assignments, and my daughter loves it! I learn a lot, too. Best of all, I didn't realize how much of a relief it would be for me to let someone else teach history.

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I don't think you're off base at all! We have used TOG for seven years, and love it! I would recommend you use the sample on the website first, just so you get a feel for it. Also, you can order just one unit at a time. I got the DE version, and I have really enjoyed being paper-free. You can download the DE version the same day you purchase it. So easy!

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Going against the flow...

If you don't have time to come up with questions for the readers you have, will you have time to research and order books? Print the activity pages, decide what is enough/too much for your kids to do each week? Sit with them and teach them organizing skills? Because this doesn't just happen. It's important to learn regardless of what curricula you use, but with TOG, unless they know how to do it, you will be doing it for them. Weekly.


If you're worried about asking dh for the $ for TOG, did you include in your amount needed books?

The books are not cheap and not often are the particular titles found in your library. Especially year 1. The other years you will be subbing a good bit and this takes organization on your part. This was an issue for us because I was trying to buy used, couldn't afford new books, and that took ALOT of time, and still ended up being very pricey for multiple children.


And you said,

"I feel like I need something to tell me what pages to read when, so we will actually get through a book."

TOG isn't going to say what pages to read each day, just each week. If that is good for you guys, great. For us though, it meant giving my kids a breakdown of daily work - there are lots of helps out there like Tina's and Siloam's great schedules but you still have to make them. Even at high school when my oldest knew how to schedule his work, I was still having to go through and decide what consitituted enough or what was too much.


I'm totally not saying it's a bad curricula, if I had one child who at the high school level will be interested and able to handle a multitude of classics at a brish pace, it'd be our top choice.


You can look back through some of my posts about TOG.

Just want you going in with your eyes open.


Hopefully this isn't too blunt...that pp about it being a dream curricula, for me a dream curricula leaves me time to care for my home.

For our family, just my personal experience after 5 years with it,

it was alot of work - for me. And my kid's but mostly for me. This resulted in my attitude with my kid's as teacher not being as peaceful as it NEEDS to be for me to be the mom I want to be.

Again, others will have very! different opinions (as proven from the pp's comments).


It is the most rigorous I've seen in terms of academics though. It is also probably is one of the best out there in terms of giving your kids a great worldview through history. Even so, we had to switch.


Edited by momee
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