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Slovania? What candy can I send a friend that she can't get there?

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I am sending a care package to a friend in Slovenia with makeup and nail polish, but would love to include some American food/candy treats that she won't get there (she is native to Slovenia). I thought about a package of ranch, but I don't know if that would gross her out, LOL. Candy ideas, maybe? Sour Patch Kids, Tootsie Rolls, Twizzlers, ??? I don't know if they have all of those or other ideas?

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Things we can't get in Guatemala:


Reeses peanut butter cups


tootsie rolls

little debbie cakes

beef jerky

hot tamales

reeses pieces

double stuff oreos

chips ahoy chewy cookies

yogurt covered pretzels

brown sugar (we have it, but, it's really different and makes cookies hard and not chewy and changes the taste a little too)

peanut butter chips

butterscotch chips


magazines in English (they don't even have to be current, because to us they are new! The library is a good place to get older magazines!)


Things that are super expensive:


Chocolate chips

molasses (when we can find it to use for gingerbread cookies at the holidays)

nice body lotion and scents

burt's bees for chapped lips

canned pumpkin



Hope this helps! These are all things that we love to get!

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Most chocolates sent through the mail melt and for that reason isn't usually sent although you might get away with reeses pieces or any that are coated in candy. I would not send something in a glass bottle, it will probably get broken. International packages aren't necessarily handled with the same care as we do here in US. I know when we do packages for Christmas Child program they also make us put the candy in baggies in case they melt or come apart etc. They'll be self contained. I'd go try to google the US Customs site and see if they have a list of things that can't be shipped overseas. I'd hate for the packaged to be turned around because it can't pass customs.

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We live in the former Yugoslavia as well. Everything Dayle in Guatemala listed is not available here--except we have no oreos of any kind.


However, in rereading your OP, I see that your friend is not an American, so unless you know for sure, I would be careful with peanut-butter based/spicy (like hot tamales) food. PB is so unlike any other food here that more people don't like it than like it. But, if you know she does, PB and Reese's are GREAT treats, just because so unavailable. Also, the idea of mixing savory flavors (spicy) with sweet is unheard of and grosses most of the natives out. My husband's mother avoided Honey-Baked Ham for years because she just couldn't imagine the sweet/salty combo....


Just a couple of sendable treats that Dayle missed:





Also, may I recommend that you seal EVERYTHING in ziploc bags? Speaking from experience, jars leak, bags break/rip, and if they are in the ziploc, everything is salvageable. Also, ziplocs are NOT available here and are highly prized because so convenient. They are an item our friends from here ask us to bring them and are lovingly washed out and reused until worn out....

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On a parenting forum I used to belong to, we had a candy exchange one time. It was really cool! People signed up and were matched with people from other countries, and we shipped out boxes of various candies to our "buddies." They would specify whether there was anything they can't or won't eat (for instance, I can't have nuts, or I hate dark chocolate or whatever, or I love peanut butter, that kind of thing).


And then we had the exchange. It was so much fun trying different candy I can't get here... but what's more (and my main point here LOL) is that even candies that DID have the same names tasted TOTALLY different from our versions! So it might not matter that much if you send something she can "get" where she is- because it might not be the same thing anyway.

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We live in the former Yugoslavia as well. Everything Dayle in Guatemala listed is not available here--except we have no oreos of any kind.


However, in rereading your OP, I see that your friend is not an American, so unless you know for sure, I would be careful with peanut-butter based/spicy (like hot tamales) food. PB is so unlike any other food here that more people don't like it than like it. But, if you know she does, PB and Reese's are GREAT treats, just because so unavailable. Also, the idea of mixing savory flavors (spicy) with sweet is unheard of and grosses most of the natives out. My husband's mother avoided Honey-Baked Ham for years because she just couldn't imagine the sweet/salty combo....


Just a couple of sendable treats that Dayle missed:





Also, may I recommend that you seal EVERYTHING in ziploc bags? Speaking from experience, jars leak, bags break/rip, and if they are in the ziploc, everything is salvageable. Also, ziplocs are NOT available here and are highly prized because so convenient. They are an item our friends from here ask us to bring them and are lovingly washed out and reused until worn out....


What great tips! Thank you :-). I'll definitely send ziplocs. The young girl is a college student, so I'm sure she would love those :-). But, wow - peanut butter and mixes of salty and sweet are my favorite. What about pure Sour things like Sour Patch Kids...and how about things like Silly Bandz? Would she have access to those ;-).

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What great tips! Thank you :-). I'll definitely send ziplocs. The young girl is a college student, so I'm sure she would love those :-). But, wow - peanut butter and mixes of salty and sweet are my favorite. What about pure Sour things like Sour Patch Kids...and how about things like Silly Bandz? Would she have access to those ;-).


I'm not familiar with the two candies you mentioned, but Sour-gummy type candies ARE readily available here...


Another fun idea (especially with halloween coming up and increased availability) would be to get a bag of the treat-size assorted chocolates (eg. plain, with almonds, with peanuts, crunch bar, mars, mounds, Reese's PB cups, etc) where she'd get a bit of everything.


Have fun in choosing--she'll love it all!

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Really??? Wow... but that could be a great addition!


Really :001_smile:. In South Africa we have two types of chocolates that have something similar to fluff in them. Then my sister brought a bottle over from the US. OOOOOH! Years afterwards we found it for sale in the Middle East, but as typically happened there, it was sold out immediately, and never appeared again. Silly me for only buying one bottle!


I'm holding you responsible for my bad night's sleep last night. I was honestly up pondering why the local South African shop (we're in Australia now) doesn't stock Chocolate Logs. If I could convince them to import, I could peel off the chocolate to get at the fluff...




P.S. It should be said that I'm on diet, and not always quite this sweet-stuff obssessed!

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Nutella is easy to get in most of Europe and is practically the national spread of Turkey so I don't think it's a problem.


M&Ms, on the other hand, are nowhere to be found and she would love them. I've started bringing bags when we go to see DH's family (in Turkey) as their version is nowhere near as good as the real thing.


I'd pass on the Silly Bandz as that seems to be a distinctly American fad right now.

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Nutella is easy to get in most of Europe and is practically the national spread of Turkey so I don't think it's a problem.


M&Ms, on the other hand, are nowhere to be found and she would love them. I've started bringing bags when we go to see DH's family (in Turkey) as their version is nowhere near as good as the real thing.


I'd pass on the Silly Bandz as that seems to be a distinctly American fad right now.



Thanks all! I sent double stuffed oreos, marshmallow fluff, M&Ms, silly bandz (so she can be ahead of the craze, LOL), and a package of Halloween candy -- and some cute nail polishes that she can't get there (the original reason for the care package!).


She'll be very surprised, thanks to all of you! Now, to justify the huge shipping expense...it was more than what I spent on the contents :confused:.

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