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Any thoughts on Little Einstein videos?

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It has been a long time, but the one I saw was more bright colors, patterns etc. than anything else. My ds (a toddler at the time) screamed when I put it on! He always was over-stimulated very easily. I think it was somehow painful to him! (but not because it was cheesy):D



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A little cheesy, very repetitive (like Dora), but none of the attitude you see in many cartoons (and I'm pretty critical of Disney in general). My 3 & 5 yo both like them, but 5yo is starting to grow out of them. I love that they recognize the songs from Beethoven's Wig, and I like that there is some history/geography value too.

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Just wondering if they are cheesy, or worse -- mouthy/annoying.


Each show features a different theme from a work of a classical composer and includes exposure to various musical terms. The shows also include fine works of art, and sometimes expose viewers to scientific, geographical or historical information (caterpillar changing to a butterfly, monarch butterflies yearly migration, Niagra Falls, pyramids in Egypt, etc.)


My ds loved this show when he was a toddler/young preschooler. As long as they are set in a context of greater learning, I think they are fine. I wouldn't want it to be the only way in which my child was exposed to classical music and fine art, but it worked well for us as entertainment. I can't think of anything that seemed negatvie for my family.

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I undestand the whole premise of these videos is to make our kids more smart than they already are.

BUT - it has been said that kids under 2 shouldn't watch TV anyway and even older than that should be monitored time wise. I believe the school of thought which states that TV shortens attention spans.


I knew someone whose kid literally watched TV ALL. DAY. LONG. When I turned it off she would freak out. Her speech, social skills, and all around behavior was so developmentally delayed.


Coincidence? I think not.


Now - most people monitor closely the amount and quality of television programming their kids are subjected to. And I am in no way criticizing anyone who lets their kid watch a 30 minute spell now and then of the Einstein programming. BUT FOR MYSELF - as one who is trying her best to not ever have cable in the house (and so may already be odd in this world) - I just can't see the real need for it unless one needs a temporary distraction for a baby or toddler while trying to assist with another child, or even more importantly to save one's own sanity.


I don't really think it should be called Baby Einstein. Maybe Baby Preoccupier So Mama Can Deal With Other Kids a Few Minutes and/or Save Her Sanity.

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My dd's are 3 and 5 and really enjoy them. In fact, my 5 yo's birthday party was Little Einstein themed. We don't have cable, so we've purchased a few DVDs. They're a nice introduction to art, classical music, musical terms, countries of the world, etc. I wouldn't say they're cheesy--especially not for the age group that they're targeting. And the kids aren't sassy, don't have bad attitudes, and don't use inappropriate language, which I really appreciate. I'd recommend them for sure! And I just asked my girls what they like about Little Einsteins... "They're FUN!"



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I undestand the whole premise of these videos is to make our kids more smart than they already are.

BUT - it has been said that kids under 2 shouldn't watch TV anyway and even older than that should be monitored time wise. I believe the school of thought which states that TV shortens attention spans.


I always crack up when I hear this. I have child organizations 'warn' me that Baby Einstein and the like don't actually increase intelligence. And I think, "What?! Who buys them to increase their child's intelligence?" Not anyone I know.


I bought the couple that I have because I considered it child-friendly viewing for my two-year old. Nothing flashy. Not fast-paced. No drivel. No contrived circumstances. No cheesy characters.


As for that study you are referring to, you are correct. Except that the researchers made a big point in their conclusions that they did not differentiate between 'educational tv' and 'regular tv' when studying the children. My personal feeling is that truly educational tv does not have the same detrimental impact on the brain that regular, flashy, fast-paced TV has. All things in moderation, of course.


Little Einstein gets closer to my definition of un-educational TV viewing, despite the classical music and great artwork. Their 'adventures' are contrived, strange things. I still say it's better viewing than Dragon Tales or Power Rangers, though.

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I undestand the whole premise of these videos is to make our kids more smart than they already are.


Not always. The premise for many of us is simply to keep the tot entertained for a few minutes while we attempt some school with an onder sibling. The fact that the video is "educational" helps alleviate some of the guilt involved in plunking the child in front of the TV for half an hour :blushing:


ETA: I own several of the "Brainy Baby" DVD's and my children enjoy them as well. The "Art" and "Music" ones are particularly good.

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