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Lightning Lit & MCT


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We're doing that exact combination, and I don't find it overkill at all. Right now they're reading Tom Sawyer for LL7, which has been fun because SO many of the Caesar's English words can be found in there. But the reading schedule LL7 provides is very gentle - only four chapters a week, I think - so they're spending six weeks just reading, with no real LL "work" at all. We can get through a lot of MCT in six weeks, and if the workload in LL7 increases when they've finished reading the novel, I imagine I'll feel comfortable easing up on our MCT pace, having gotten so much under our belts already.


And just in skimming over the Table of Contents for LL7, the only place where I can see much possible overlap with what we're covering in MCT is in the unit on poetry, which frankly is an area in which we could use some double coverage. :tongue_smilie:





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We are using LL7 (with my 6th grader), MCT, AND she is taking an IEW Powerful Paragraph class with an excellent IEW instructor - one of only 15 instructors in the US who has some very special IEW instructor status --


So, my answer is NO, what you are doing is not overkill. And, what we are doing is not overkill either.


My dd is using her paragraphs that she is writing in LL7 as her IEW assignment paragraphs when the assignments line up properly.

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