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our new kitten has our other cats running scared

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we went to the vets last night and they had a 12 week old kitten for adoption. She is a mixture of a tiger and a calico (gray stripes with white and a few orange splotches) will try to have dd post a picture later. Anyway she had been abandoned in an apartment and the cleaning crew found her. She had been at the vets office for a month and they said that she gets along great with the office cats and needs a home with other cats. Well that is for sure us with our 7 other cats.


She is so tiny and feminine looking but watch out. She is not scared of anything. Last night she had our other cats, even our 20 pound boy running. Of course we kept her isolated (huge carrier in my room) so the other cats could get a peaceful night's sleep. She was sure making thing lively around here before she went to sleep. Not sure about a name yet, maybe Callie or Bailey, can't be anything too feminine as that would not fit her, needs a tomboy name.


She growls which is cute now but I told dc that I will give her slack for a few days but then will have to start giving her a few light little taps on the nose to get rid of the growling habit at us.

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Her coat is so neat looking!


She sounds like my cat, who is now 1 year. Dh found him on the side of the road at 6 weeks. I was worried our adult cats wouldn't accept him or would hurt him, but he's the one who harrassed them constantly. He would hop on their backs and bite their necks! He was also a growler too. He now has a bad biting habit as an adult, unfortunately.

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