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Recommendations for a 3rd grader


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My DD will be 9 on Friday. Formerly in PS. Enjoys HOD Bigger, but is beyond the level of work in some subjects. She is driven by challenge like her father. I need something that engages her. Not something she can "get through". Does that make sense?


Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2.


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level.


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level.


Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities.


History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW?


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own.


Other curriculum I considered before HOD: TOG, WP, SL, MFW, OM, KONOS


Currently looking to put together my own program. Some items I will need direction and detailed hands on.



Edited by OregonNative
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I'm going to insert my favorites into your quote below. Your dd sounds like she has drive and natural ability, a wonderful combination! She would benefit greatly from the vast array of ideas in WTM. If you haven't read it yet, you should. Also the audio lecture downloads at Peace Hill Press are quite helpful.


My DD will be 9 on Friday. Formerly in PS. Enjoys HOD Bigger, but is beyond the level of work in some subjects. She is driven by challenge like her father. I need something that engages her. Not something she can "get through". Does that make sense?


Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2. FLL3


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level. Spelling Workout D


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level. WWE 3 or 4


Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities. Elemental Science (whichever one, except biology, that she's most interested in)


History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW? Story of the World with AG includes narration help and more projects than you could ever do.


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own. Listen to SWB's Literary Analysis download at Peacehill Press and use the literature lists in WTM.


Other curriculum I considered before HOD: TOG, WP, SL, MFW, OM, KONOS


Currently looking to put together my own program. Some items I will need direction and detailed hands on.



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Guest mrsjamiesouth
My DD will be 9 on Friday. Formerly in PS. Enjoys HOD Bigger, but is beyond the level of work in some subjects. She is driven by challenge like her father. I need something that engages her. Not something she can "get through". Does that make sense?


Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2. R&S 3


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level. If you are following CM, you do not have to do spelling AND dictation


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level. If you really like Dictation, try FLL3 or Spelling Wisdom found on SCM website


Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities. I follow WTM plan for science with gives you the topic and you go find books and experiments.


History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW?


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own.


Other curriculum I considered before HOD: TOG, WP, SL, MFW, OM, KONOS


Currently looking to put together my own program. Some items I will need direction and detailed hands on.





It sounds like you should keep HOD and just tweak it. You are wanting several programs just like it for certain subjects. I combine WTM with HOD and it works great for us.


-My ds6 is using LHFHG but I also use FLL and Elemental Science BIO. Instead of SM we use CLE Math1 and CLE LTR for phonics. He also started on SongSchool Latin, which he loves! We also added Geo Songs on Friday, Little Hands Art book on Tuesday, and Wednesday we are doing Great Composers.

-My ds10 is in Preparing and I am using Saxon Math with him and SWB's writing. I also am using HOD science but add to it with WTM's science plan. I added in Latin too this year in addition to French. I am currently using Veritas Press lit. guides instead of DITHOR, but I plan to switch to it when we finish Veritas.



I can tell you last year I pieced together everything on my own, and it is much easier this year having HOD as my base.

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My DD will be 9 on Friday. Formerly in PS. Enjoys HOD Bigger, but is beyond the level of work in some subjects. She is driven by challenge like her father. I need something that engages her. Not something she can "get through". Does that make sense?


Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2. We are having great success with MCT - http://www.rfwp.com/mct.php


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level. My son is also a natural speller. He used Spelling Workout D last year.


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level. I used Writing with Ease 3 with him last year. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/language-arts/writing.html


Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities. Last year we used REAL Science. I do not feel like it was enough for my oldest, but our family loves science, and expects a lot out of a science program :D This year I have switched to Elemental Science, supplemented with Science in a Nutshell Kits. http://www.elementalscience.com/ and http://www.delta-education.com/siansplash.aspx?subID=5&menuID=17


History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW? I LOVE SOTW for this age range. We will be switching to TOG for the next rotation (beginning 5th grade).


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own. I have pretty much put together my own thing for this. I am actually anal enough to have made a spreadsheet incorporating the recommendations from Veritas Press, Ambleside Online, The Center for Literary Education, and Highland Latin School. I then broke this down by general grade level. If I was just starting out, I would just look at Ambleside Online - absolutely great recommendations!


Other curriculum I considered before HOD: TOG, WP, SL, MFW, OM, KONOS


Currently looking to put together my own program. Some items I will need direction and detailed hands on.




My son will be in 4th this year, but works ahead in all subjects. I have inserted what I used with him last year in your quote above. Also, if she likes a challenge, you may want to add Latin in at some point. We are loving Latin for Children.



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My DD will be 9 on Friday. Formerly in PS. Enjoys HOD Bigger, but is beyond the level of work in some subjects. She is driven by challenge like her father. I need something that engages her. Not something she can "get through". Does that make sense?


Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2. R&S 3


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level. Spelling Workout D (we use C but DS is a horrid speller)


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level. FLL 3, WWE3 or 4,


Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities. We use WTM's science as well... WTM gives you guidelines and you find your own books and experiments. Snap Circuits are fun and we are currently using books and DVD's from the library for background material for each project. I've heard good things about Elemental Science as well.


History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW? Love SOTW with AG for all of the above. The AG has projects, narration, review questions, map work, additional reading suggestions, coloring pages... This is our favorite subject.


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own. We use suggestions from WTM as well as SOTW AG and Sonlight's catalog.


Other curriculum I considered before HOD: TOG, WP, SL, MFW, OM, KONOS


Currently looking to put together my own program. Some items I will need direction and detailed hands on.





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I can give a few suggestions.


English - If you liked the style of R&S English, just get the next grade level.


Spelling - For advanced spellers, I reccommend Building Spelling Skills. You can find it on the Christian Liberty Press website. I don't think you will need to go a grade up with this program.


Science - I like A Beka science and McGraw-Hill


History- What history are you currently using? Can you just buy the TM?


Reading - I was just wondering about reading on a different thread... many suggested Christian Light Education's reading. I have the books, but not the lightunits... I love the books.

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History- What history are you currently using? Can you just buy the TM?


I am using the History from HOD (which is the curriculum I have right now), with the TM. I will not be keeping this program, so I am looking for something that has activities with it since I"m not good at planning these on my own.

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My DD will be 9 on Friday. Formerly in PS. Enjoys HOD Bigger, but is beyond the level of work in some subjects. She is driven by challenge like her father. I need something that engages her. Not something she can "get through". Does that make sense?


Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2.


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level.


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level.


Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities.


History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW?


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own.


Other curriculum I considered before HOD: TOG, WP, SL, MFW, OM, KONOS


Currently looking to put together my own program. Some items I will need direction and detailed hands on.




Spelling: I would use Simply Spelling by Shoelace Books. It has spelling from 3rd-12th grade and uses studied dictation with daily activities for each lesson. It could also bonus as a poetry memorization program. We are using something else to teach the phonograms for spelling, but we still pull this off the shelf for great poetry, dictation and copywork practice.




Grammar: The LA program we are using includes spelling, lit. studies and grammar, so I don't have a lot of advice for you there. Maybe First Language Lessons 3? (We are using Phonics Road to Reading & Spelling for our main LA program)


History: We use Biblioplan. It uses Story of the World and other Lit. to make a well rounded and pretty easy to implement program. Although, for a 3rd and 1st grader, I would just get the SOTW Vol. 1 and the Activity Guide and call it good! Lots of activies, timeline, mapwork and supplemental reading.


Science...egads! This is my nemesis. Nature Study is good for this age, builds curiousity, observation skills and a love of God's creation. Barb of Harmony Fine Arts has an awesome Nature Study resource called "Outdoor Hour Challenges". You need a library, the Handbook of Nature Study and some sketching supplies and you are ready to go.


Honestly, for Literature, just read, read and read some more. I would have her narrate from different books to make sure she is comprehending and save the "lit study" for later years!


Sorry you are having such time, mama! I've been homeschooling for 4years now and just when I think I have it figured out, one of my kids takes me in a different direction and I have to figure it out again. Although, my confidence in being able to do that has increased a lot over the last 4 years so it isn't as difficult as it used to be!


All the best!


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I am using the History from HOD (which is the curriculum I have right now), with the TM. I will not be keeping this program, so I am looking for something that has activities with it since I"m not good at planning these on my own.


LOL, guess I should have clarified. What book does HOD use for history? I would just keep that book if you like it and order the TM. Is it something from Christian Liberty Press (CLP)? Their TM's are cheap. Othewise, good history programs are CLP, A Beka, CLE... try Cathy Duffy Revies and Homeschool Review before you buy!





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LOL, guess I should have clarified. What book does HOD use for history? I would just keep that book if you like it and order the TM. Is it something from Christian Liberty Press (CLP)? Their TM's are cheap.





The CLP books are awesome...if you are enjoying it then I would just get the TM's as well and keep using it.

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The CLP books are awesome...if you are enjoying it then I would just get the TM's as well and keep using it.


Just found out they might be using something called eggleston books for history in that HOD package...


I agree... CLP is inexpensive and good for history.



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Language Arts

Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2.


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level.


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level.


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own.

We are using SL LA2adv with Plaid Phonics Word Study D and MCT Island level.

SL LA2adv readers are perfect for my ds, but it doesn't include the type of stuff that DITHOR includes. So, why don't you just continue to incorporate DITHOR?

We are not using a formal spelling program. SL LA2adv includes spelling words/ rules that I go over on Monday of each week. but ds spells all the words correctly on the first day, so that is all I do with them. He is using Plaid Word Study D that is scheduled in SL LA2adv and I am really pleased with this approach.

SL LA2adv includes dictation that is more difficult than Bigger. It also includes extra passages if you want to do more dictation.

We are enjoying MCT Island, but you could easily use R&S3 or another grammar program for a more traditional approach to grammar alongside SL's gentle integrated approach.



Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities.

Great Science Adventures is very hands on and will include the crafty stuff like HOD.



History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW?

Since you like it, why don't you continue with HOD? If not, many, many history programs include timelines and projects.



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My DD will be 9 on Friday. Formerly in PS. Enjoys HOD Bigger, but is beyond the level of work in some subjects. She is driven by challenge like her father. I need something that engages her. Not something she can "get through". Does that make sense?


Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2. Why are you using 2? I would put her in 3 or even 4 based on her age. If it's Rod and Staff you don't like (not the level), what don't you like about it? First Language Lessons is VERY challenging. Have you looked at the online samples for level 3?


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level.

We like Building Spelling Skills by Christian Liberty Press. I have a natural speller too, but time catches up with them and they are no longer "natural spellers." I wish I had done a phonics based approach with her that solidified those skills.


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level.I would pick up a copy of Writing With Ease. It's inexpensive, and will have the dictation you're looking for (it's several levels).


Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities.


History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW?MFW, SOTW, and Sonlight do


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own. We use DITHOR and we love it! I have not found another program like it. If you're finding the activities below her, bump her up to the next book. My oldest will be in the 6/7/8 book this year and is only in 5th grade. Also, I purchased this book to go along with it.


Other curriculum I considered before HOD: TOG, WP, SL, MFW, OM, KONOS


Currently looking to put together my own program. Some items I will need direction and detailed hands on.





OK, so here's what I can tell you. I LOVE HOD! I was so close to buying it, but I simply couldn't. I could not make my oldest "fit" into their program, and I couldn't afford to buy two different curriculum (one for oldest and one for youngest), so I had to walk away. :crying:


I have used KONOS and it's GREAT, but a lot of work for you. The best thing you can do is buy one of their "Konos in a box" sets to try it out and see if it's for you. Oldest loved it, youngest hated it, I could not invest the time needed to create the lessons.


Sonlight was great, but no hands on projects. DD needs those so I moved on. We have been using MFW since Feb of last year and my kids LOVE it. It has the hands on projects, it has the Charlotte Mason feel, it can be used as "classical" in terms of time line, and it has everything in the TG for you. We don't go with their other recommendations, but you may find your dd likes them. We still use Rod and Staff, Saxon Math, and we don't use Writing Strands (what they recommend), but the History and Science make the program worth it. Also, we started with Exploration to 1850, and are now in 1850 to Modern times. They do recommend starting at the beginning of the program (ECC), but you don't HAVE to.:D





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We have been using MFW since Feb of last year and my kids LOVE it. It has the hands on projects, it has the Charlotte Mason feel, it can be used as "classical" in terms of time line, and it has everything in the TG for you. We don't go with their other recommendations, but you may find your dd likes them. We still use Rod and Staff, Saxon Math, and we don't use Writing Strands (what they recommend), but the History and Science make the program worth it. Also, we started with Exploration to 1850, and are now in 1850 to Modern times. They do recommend starting at the beginning of the program (ECC), but you don't HAVE to.:D


I almost went with them. I was going to put DD in Adventures since that is recommend for her age if there aren't any older siblings. I didn't like the look of 1st grade so I passed on all of it. (Why? I honestly have NO clue. It's as if I thought that I had to buy for both kids at the same company):confused:


PS I sent you a friend request on PBS:)

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I almost went with them. I was going to put DD in Adventures since that is recommend for her age if there aren't any older siblings. I didn't like the look of 1st grade so I passed on all of it. (Why? I honestly have NO clue. It's as if I thought that I had to buy for both kids at the same company):confused:


PS I sent you a friend request on PBS:)


LOL! I accepted assuming it was someone from here. I have mine on vacation until things calm down here. I'll be sure to remember you before I post school books!


I'm confused, isn't your dd in 3rd grade? They actually recommend ECC for 3rd and up. How old are your other kiddos? One of the reasons we went with MFW was because we could combine the kids. Or, where you wanting to do American History this year, and that's why you went with HOD? There's a free American History program online at GuestHallow.com It's very similar to MFW, and Sonlight.




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LOL! I accepted assuming it was someone from here. I have mine on vacation until things calm down here. I'll be sure to remember you before I post school books!


I'm confused, isn't your dd in 3rd grade? They actually recommend ECC for 3rd and up. How old are your other kiddos? One of the reasons we went with MFW was because we could combine the kids. Or, where you wanting to do American History this year, and that's why you went with HOD? There's a free American History program online at GuestHallow.com It's very similar to MFW, and Sonlight.





I didn't make any sensd did I? LOL! My DS is a first grader. I was going to put DD (3rd grade) into Adv. because they recommend starting there if that is your oldest child right? Do you think it matters?

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Are you set on history running the show- meaning linking all of your literature, language arts, etc to the history or all-in-one packages? If so, MFW and TOG would be top contenders. Also since you were attracted to the CM philosophy in HOD, you could look into Living Books Curriculum. It includes copywork/dictation, LA, science, history (in two strands which I happen to like), music, art but does not include math primarily for the very reason you ran into. It's just too hard to know what math is best for a particular child.


If you want to consider having your LA separate from your history, then my favorite LA/writing program for this age is Classical Writing. Another similar option would be Writing Tales. Writing Tales covers the skills in the early level of Classical Writing and then most people move to CW from there.



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My DD will be 9 on Friday. Formerly in PS. Enjoys HOD Bigger, but is beyond the level of work in some subjects. She is driven by challenge like her father. I need something that engages her. Not something she can "get through". Does that make sense?


Grammar-looking for something past R&S 2. Growing With Grammar


Spelling-very natural ability for DD. I would say she is around 5th grade level.


Dictation-HOD's Bigger program is way below her level. Combine dictation/spelling-Spelling Wisdom


Science-We don't care for the One Small Square books. We do need something that incorporates hands-on activities. Adventures with Atoms & Molecules(WTM suggestion) Christian Kids Explore series


History-I like what we have. However, w/o the TM, I don't know how to incorporate time-lines and narration/projects. Is there any program that includes this? SOW? We chose a spine, read through it and add important dates to our timeline. Could you do something like that?


Currently we have DITHOR for literature. Is there anything like this that incorporates activites/study with different genres? Not sure how to go about this on my own.


Other curriculum I considered before HOD: TOG, WP, SL, MFW, OM, KONOS I have always wanted to use an all-in-one, but my dc are on various levels within each subject. I've found that putting our own plan together works better than boxed packages.


Currently looking to put together my own program. Some items I will need direction and detailed hands on.





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Have you considered exchanging Bigger for Preparing?



I have been using Bigger w/my DD who is a 3rd grader. I briefly considered switching to Preparing. After some thought I think my DD would be better suited to a different education method.


Thanks for the suggestion though:001_smile:

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I didn't make any sensd did I? LOL! My DS is a first grader. I was going to put DD (3rd grade) into Adv. because they recommend starting there if that is your oldest child right? Do you think it matters?


OH, no, I think you've misunderstood their scheduling (easy to do). If your Oldest is in 3rd grade or up, you place them in Exploring Countries and Cultures. Since your youngest is a 1st grader, they recommend their 1st grade program for him, but if you're enjoying his version of HOD, I would leave him where he is. If you switched to MFW, next year, when he's in 2nd grade and your dd is in 4th, you would just combine him with her. So, if you were to do ECC this year, next year you would be doing Creation to the Greeks. He would join up with you and go along with her schedule, knowing that he'll come back around and do ECC later. I know that's confusing, because it was confusing to me in the beginning too, but once I got the curriculum in hand, it made perfect sense. Last year, my 1st grader still tagged along with my 4th grader in Exploration to 1850. I just picked up the extra books recommended for younger siblings. This year, she's using the 2nd grade supplement provided with 1850-Modern times and it works beautifully!


If HOD will exchange one curriculum for another (I don't know what their return policy is), you might try that too! I understand where you're at though. There have been plenty of years where I've returned or sold a complete curriculum to buy something new because it just didn't work for us.


HOD and MFW have forums too and they are really helpful. They are even gracious enough to say that another program might work better for you if you're not enjoying A, B, and C about their programs.


Is that clear as mud?:lol:



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OH, no, I think you've misunderstood their scheduling (easy to do). If your Oldest is in 3rd grade or up, you place them in Exploring Countries and Cultures. Since your youngest is a 1st grader, they recommend their 1st grade program for him, but if you're enjoying his version of HOD, I would leave him where he is. If you switched to MFW, next year, when he's in 2nd grade and your dd is in 4th, you would just combine him with her. So, if you were to do ECC this year, next year you would be doing Creation to the Greeks. He would join up with you and go along with her schedule, knowing that he'll come back around and do ECC later. I know that's confusing, because it was confusing to me in the beginning too, but once I got the curriculum in hand, it made perfect sense. Last year, my 1st grader still tagged along with my 4th grader in Exploration to 1850. I just picked up the extra books recommended for younger siblings. This year, she's using the 2nd grade supplement provided with 1850-Modern times and it works beautifully!


If HOD will exchange one curriculum for another (I don't know what their return policy is), you might try that too! I understand where you're at though. There have been plenty of years where I've returned or sold a complete curriculum to buy something new because it just didn't work for us.


HOD and MFW have forums too and they are really helpful. They are even gracious enough to say that another program might work better for you if you're not enjoying A, B, and C about their programs.


Is that clear as mud?:lol:




HOD will exchange. However, after some consideration, I feel my DD would be a better fit for a different method of learning. I have read some comparisons of HOD vs. MFW. However, some say they are basically the same and others say they are different. :confused:


Thanks Dorinda:) Have you used the 1st grade curriculum? If so, would you mind PM'ing me? I have some questions.:)

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Are you set on history running the show- meaning linking all of your literature, language arts, etc to the history or all-in-one packages? If so, MFW and TOG would be top contenders. Also since you were attracted to the CM philosophy in HOD, you could look into Living Books Curriculum. It includes copywork/dictation, LA, science, history (in two strands which I happen to like), music, art but does not include math primarily for the very reason you ran into. It's just too hard to know what math is best for a particular child.


If you want to consider having your LA separate from your history, then my favorite LA/writing program for this age is Classical Writing. Another similar option would be Writing Tales. Writing Tales covers the skills in the early level of Classical Writing and then most people move to CW from there.




I really do like this approach of having it tie together. I think it's easier for me to understand and possibly for my children. Being so new to Hschooling and curriculum, I'm not sure I can say for sure in regards to my DC's. However, having the LA tie in doesn't really matter. Honestly, I'm not sure having it tie together matters either. What are your thoughts?


I think at this point, my DS seems to do well with the CM method. My DD on the other hand doesn't seem to fit well. Neither my DD or I are fond of the copywork or dictation, but I have no clue as to whether that is just a part of 3rd grade curriculum.


I LOVE history, but my DD seemed to be a bit bored by it. I don't know if it's the CM approach, the books provided (which I think are incredible) or just in general. I heavily considered TOG. I loved that it involved some preparation for me, that my DD could help plan what she would do to complete the assignments for the week, and that they had tons of hands-on activities. My DD is also driven by challenge.


I read quite a it about MFW vs. HOD and some said they were nearly identical while others said they were very opposite:confused: Any thoughts.


I will have to keep some of my HOD items as they are workbooks and my DC's have used them: Singapore 1a and 2a. These work well for us so I will continue them. We also have a Critical thinking book for DS (age 6) that I will continue with as well.

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OK, so here's what I can tell you. I LOVE HOD! I was so close to buying it, but I simply couldn't. I could not make my oldest "fit" into their program, and I couldn't afford to buy two different curriculum (one for oldest and one for youngest), so I had to walk away. :crying:


I have used KONOS and it's GREAT, but a lot of work for you. The best thing you can do is buy one of their "Konos in a box" sets to try it out and see if it's for you. Oldest loved it, youngest hated it, I could not invest the time needed to create the lessons.


Sonlight was great, but no hands on projects. DD needs those so I moved on. We have been using MFW since Feb of last year and my kids LOVE it. It has the hands on projects, it has the Charlotte Mason feel, it can be used as "classical" in terms of time line, and it has everything in the TG for you. We don't go with their other recommendations, but you may find your dd likes them. We still use Rod and Staff, Saxon Math, and we don't use Writing Strands (what they recommend), but the History and Science make the program worth it. Also, we started with Exploration to 1850, and are now in 1850 to Modern times. They do recommend starting at the beginning of the program (ECC), but you don't HAVE to.:D






I also considered KONOS in a box. In fact it was the first curriculum I looked at because I was interested in the idea of Unit Studies. After reading reviews, some said KONOS in a box was easy and took no planning. Others said exactly the opposite. Needless to say, that left me a bit confused:tongue_smilie:

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I'm going to insert my favorites into your quote below. Your dd sounds like she has drive and natural ability, a wonderful combination! She would benefit greatly from the vast array of ideas in WTM. If you haven't read it yet, you should. Also the audio lecture downloads at Peace Hill Press are quite helpful.


Luann, is this the correct one?

What is Literary Analysis?

I am waiting for a copy of WTM to pick up at the library. Are there any other audios you feel are important to hear after I read the book?

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