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Does anyone know what this is/says?

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I found the below on the comment sectionof one of my blogs. Any ideas what language? Is it a language? Translation? There is a URL but I dare not go there.


мы давно сообща, она дама моей жизни. собираемся в скором времени пожениться, очень этого жду. она также любит меня, и это доказано временем. проблема в том, что у нее нет материнского инстинкта. я знаю, что в данный момент еще рано заводить детей (нам по 22 года), мы только становимся на ноги. но года через 2 я очень хотел бы ребенка, а если рассматривать идеальный вариант двоих. она же детей боится (на примере детей друзей, знакомых -
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I translated it but it doesn't translate very well...


We for a long time together, it lady of my life. We are going to get married shortly, very much for it I wait. It also loves me, and it is proved by time. A problem that it does not have parent instinct. I know what at present still early to get children (to us for 22 years), we only become on legs. But year through 2 I very much would like the child and if to consider an ideal version of a two. It is afraid of children (on an example of children of the friends familiar

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I think it translates (approximately at least) to this:


My girlfriend and I have been together for a long time. We are going to get married shortly, I've been waiting for this [eagerly]. My girlfriend loves me, this has been proven over time. The problem is that she doesn't have [the inclination] to be a parent. I know it's still early for us to think about it ([we are 22 years old]), [we only become on legs???? unknown Russian idiom?]. But in a year or two I would very much like a child and ideally I would like us to have two. My girlfriend is afraid of children [having children?] (because of the example of the children of some good friends of ours-



Edited by Hedgehog
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This is Russian. My Russian is very rusty but I'll try to translate for you.


We have been together a long time, she is the lady of my life. We are getting married and I'm looking forward to it very much. She also loves me, as time has proven. (uncertain of translation in 3rd sentence). I know it is early yet for us to have children, but within a year or two I would like to have children, ideally two. This is similar to that of other friends.


That's a rough translation, but I think you get the idea. HTH! :^)

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