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MFW K short vowel stories are the BEST!! And I'm making...

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books out of them! I've been hunting down readers here lately and it just dawned on me (duh!) that MFW K has the sweetest, GOOD (not dumb, but they are funny) stories. I made my first book last night. I photocopied the story pics and cut them out, retyped the words (the type is too small IMO for a beg. reader) and cut those out. Then, I just got a piece of card stock for the cover and two pieces of reg. paper for the pages, folded them in half and stapled and the glued everything on. So CUTE!! I added "The End" and a few other clip arts to embelish. Just thought I would share. :D

Edited by mommyjen
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I had my boys make books out of them. I cut out the pages for them to use for the books then they cut apart the story page and glued onto the paper, they wrote "the end" on the last page because they love stories that end that way, and stapled them together. They really enjoyed making and reading their own books.

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I've heard in MFW 's workshops that they suggest making them into booklets. And it's even mentioned in the manual on Day 5, step 3 section.


But I do like your idea of a cover page. That sounds fun!:001_smile: and the extra clip art. I like that idea. sounds like fun.


just rambling out loud.. my children didn't have a problem with the type size. interesting on the differences in children.



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