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S/O of books you hated...

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The life changing books have all been non-fiction. WTM, books on sweatshops, food politics, etc.


For fiction, well I wouldn't say they have changed my life in any way, but they make you feel like you've experienced something and that's Paulo Coehlo's books. I think "Veronica decides to die" should be on high school reading lists instead of the stupid teen fiction I had to read. Not that parents would allow such a book, based on the title.



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I figure if I reread it it must mean something to me... so here is my list:


the entire Master and Commander series (in my seventh rereading now) (O'Brian)

Gaudy Night (Sayers)

LOTR (Tolkien)

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Smith)

the Harry Potter series (can't count how many times these have been reread - I get more impressed with all the details Rowling carried through seven books each time!)

Little House on the Prairie series (herself)

Kim and Captains Courageous (Kipling)

everything by Barbara Pym


Note - I read very fast and usually have several books going at once. Right now I am in The Commodore (O'Brian) , one of the Marcus Falco Roman detective novels, and something about WWI trench warfare. Plus Little House on the Prairie in the downstairs "reading room" and any Harry Potter I grab at lunch time.

Edited by JFSinIL
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