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The BEST historical fiction I've read

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Ok, so I may be showing my true colors here, but I love, love, love historical fiction. The Philippa Gregory books are SOOO good to me. Anything of that genre really is fascinating to me.


So, my mom recommended the book, The Winthrop Woman by Anya Seton. I put it off and off and off. Finally, I read it about a month ago and let me tell you, it is fabulous! Anya Seton uses historical references, so the *facts* about the story are actually documented. The emotion, conversations, etc are all her creations, but it is based on documented facts. It was wonderful. Since then, I've read Katherine and Avalon that she also wrote. They are amazing. Katherine is about Katherine de Swynford and John of Gaunt (Duke of Lancaster). Again, as much as possible is historical fact. Avalon is based in the middle ages, so the facts are a little harder to come by, but it is still very true to the historical time frame and amazing to read.


They are also very clean....I would feel comfortable letting my older dd read them in a few years. I can't wait for our next go-round of the middle ages!


Anyway, just wanted to give a head-up. I love good books!

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