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Hymn study

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My favorite is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hymnoftheday. It started as a daily hymn study but the person doing them had to go to one a week recently. There are easily 1000+ hymns he has done so you can have lots of choices when you begin. My favorite part is that it is free.


THe author's description:

A daily hymn study providing background information concerning the author, composer, or circumstances of origin, along with a scriptural exposition about many of the great hymns of all ages.


ETA: The author also has some of his studies available at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/hymnstudies/

Edited by Dobela
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My favorite is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hymnoftheday. It started as a daily hymn study but the person doing them had to go to one a week recently. There are easily 1000+ hymns he has done so you can have lots of choices when you begin. My favorite part is that it is free.


THe author's description:

A daily hymn study providing background information concerning the author, composer, or circumstances of origin, along with a scriptural exposition about many of the great hymns of all ages.


ETA: The author also has some of his studies available at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/hymnstudies/


Thank you. I'll look into this.

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Isn't there some book about Mr. Pipes or something that teaches about hymns? Something in the recesses of my mind is rattling around about this...


Ain't I helpful?:D


Mr. Pipes and Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation



Mr. Pipes and the British Hymn Makers



Mr. Pipes Comes to America



The Accidental Voyage: Discovering Hymns of the Early Centuries


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We've gone through the Hymns For a Kid's Heart series for several years now, but now I would like something else.


Does anyone have a good resource for traditional protestant hymns- Luther, Wesley, etc






I've read a couple and enjoyed them. They aren't high art, but they do a good job of putting the lives of the hymn writers into the context of their times and experiences. My favorite was probably the reformation volume, since we'd lived within a day drive of Wittenburg and visited there a couple times.


I was surprised how many of these foundational hymns I could not sing and sometimes hadn't even heard of.

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I like to tie it to the Church Year. I have fave's for older and younger kids at every time of the year. Mostly we just sing them and talk about the words and the Bible verses that they reference, and how they fit into the Church Year and what we are celebrating in church.


An excellent reference (and a cheap one!) is "The Lutheran Hymnal", 1941 edition, available from Concordia Publishing House and Northwestern Publishing House. It contains hundreds of hymns, all with traditional 4 part harmony, many with lots of verses that are typically excluded from the newer hymnbooks.


There are inexpensive CD sets of these organ accompaniments available elsewhere, let me know whether you are interested and I'll look up the site.

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