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Why do Asian restaurants often have Hello Kitty or other animated cats as decorations


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I understand that the cats represent luck/protection, but why the animated ones? Why versions of childlike images? I have seen this in numerous nice restaurants as well as take-out style/limited seating restaurants.


Why not nice porcelain ones? Is there some significance?

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:lol: LOL! My husband is from Korea. I have to tell you (Boy, is this going to sound non-politically-correct)...a lot of Korean people love anime-type stuff. My husband is 36 and still tries to follow the story line to these cartoons. He knows the story lines to cartoons that I have never even heard of...:glare: If you go to Korean grocery stores, there's a lot of animation/Hello Kitty, etc... It's hilarious. I would ask my husband why people like that kind of animation so much, but he's at work - lol. :D He'd probably say it was one of those unexplained phenomenon. :tongue_smilie: I'll have to tease him later tonight when he watches Naruto. :lol:

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And yes, Hello Kitty is big in Asia! And cute things are not reserved for children. (I've seen adults with cute Hello Kitty purses).


this is a HUGE understatement. All things animation are are big here, Hello Kitty even more so, but Mickey, Snoopy. . . each is way more popular here than in the states and by a much older age group too. You haven't seen anything until you've seen the Japanese at Disneyland too. (and I call myself a Disney fanatic.:001_huh:)

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