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Online or DVD Violin Lessons??


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Do you play violin?


If not, I'd really seriously suggest avoiding these. While there are a lot of DVD programs available, they're not going to be able to correct posture, hand position and the like, and not only can small mistakes there greatly affect playing and set up bad habits, they can also put your DD at risk for repetitive motion injuries. It's worth it to pay a teacher. Beginner lessons are usually 30 minutes, which helps to reduce the cost, and you might want to see if group or semi-private lessons are an option, which also reduces the cost. I'd also check with churches to see if any of them have music programs as an outreach ministry-such programs are usually less expensive, and some have really, really good teachers, especially for beginners.

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I just got this a month or so ago after attending their Fine ARts camp and it is FABULOUS. Now it is really made for ages 4 to 6 or so. There are two DVD's where Annie actually works with a little girl and it shows you the EXACT position. They are very, very picky about this. They go step by step on how to make a bow. There is a workbook as well. Then there is another DVD ( It is a 2 DVD set) that has the child play with Annie. It has such cut things like the Cheerio Bow. You make the correct bow hold and then put a cheerio on top and sing the song while you do motions using the correct bow hold. It is so fabulous. It may seem too young if you have a high schooler, but if you have an early elementary student, I cannot recommend this enough!!!





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What about a high school student who plays and takes lessons looking to make a few dollars each week. This is what we have done for the past two years. The young lady that teaches my daughter only charges $5.00 per week ($20.00/mo) - my daughter is now in intermediate band and learning to fiddle. HTH



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I agree that violin needs to be taught with a teacher, and I suggest weekly lessons. As someone posted, you could start with a high school student, but a better option is to look a local colleges for community music programs. They often have undergrad or grad students teaching at reduced rates.


However, if your daughter becomes interested in the instrument (or you want her to learn it as part of her education), find a professional teacher as soon as possible. Since the violin is a complex instrument, the student simply cannot progress with solid teaching, and if the student doesn't grow, they become discouraged.


Dd is a violinist, and we spent many years trying to find a skilled teacher. Last year we found a teacher, trained at Peabody, and it has been worth everything -- increased fee, hard work, etc. Not only has dd's ability soared, but she has matured because of her work with the violin. I sit in on dd's lessons and watched yesterday as she listened to her teacher's suggestions, asked questions, made notes, etc., and I could see dd's ownership of the work. The maturity and responsibility have transfered to her schoolwork as well.


The violin is a beautiful instrument -- portable, challenging, nuanced.



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Do you play violin?


If not, I'd really seriously suggest avoiding these. While there are a lot of DVD programs available, they're not going to be able to correct posture, hand position and the like, and not only can small mistakes there greatly affect playing and set up bad habits, they can also put your DD at risk for repetitive motion injuries. It's worth it to pay a teacher. Beginner lessons are usually 30 minutes, which helps to reduce the cost, and you might want to see if group or semi-private lessons are an option, which also reduces the cost. I'd also check with churches to see if any of them have music programs as an outreach ministry-such programs are usually less expensive, and some have really, really good teachers, especially for beginners.


One thing I was going to say is that sometimes your teacher doesn't do this!!! I went to this camp and found out all the things my dd was doing incorrectly. It wasn't until I watched the video that I understood. Our teacher had never demonstrated it that well at all. And he is the conductor of the youth symphony!!!



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We've had poor teachers who do not know how to help students solve issues with their playing or develop performance strategies. Being a conductor or even an accomplished performer does not equal good teaching. A good teacher needs education in the pedagogy of violin; they need to be passionate about learning new techniques for teaching; and they need to be willing to play with and for the student, which is demanding. When a student finds someone like this, it changes them, and when you watch this type of teacher, it changes you as well.



Edited by 1Togo
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Thanks everyone, you were great help. What Penelope said really hit home,when referring to "bad" habits are hard to break. We have girls join my dd's team that received improper gymnastics coaching all the time. They end up spending the better part of a yr struggling and relearn how to do even the most basic skill. Some get so aggravated they end up quiting:( Since it's something that's she's shown the interest in I need to start her off with the right violin and teacher. I guess I need to start researching violins now:) I'm just so glad she didn't choose a really loud instrument:) thx!

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