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Would Cursive First + 100 Easy Lessons = CONFUSION?


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*I* am confused right now :tongue_smilie:!

I know I want to bypass manuscript handwriting, but I am scared to death to try Spelling for Reading and Writing. Afraid I won't be able to figure it out or it would be too hard to implement, too hard to actually prepare for and consistently do every day, too difficult for my ADHD boys, etc. etc.... I guess that is another thread altogether, probably! LOL!

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I use both CF and SWR. I also tried 100 EZL with my oldest but quit when I realized it wasn't going to accomplish what I wanted from it. However, I don't see why using CF with 100 EZL would cause confusion if you just use CF as a way to learn cursive. Getting into the phonogram worksheets might be confusing since it's such a different method.


If it would help, I have schedules for using SWR with both a K'er and a 1st grader on my blog (there's a tab for SWR at the top). If you want to download them and make changes, I can e-mail them to you. I think Scribd started charging for downloads :glare:

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If you want Spell to Write and Read, but are turned off by the steep "learning curve" for teaching the program, have you looked into All About Spelling or Phonics Road? I've never used either (I use SWR.), BUT I understand your fear and have read enough posts here on AAS and PR to understand that they have a lot in common with SWR but are easier for the teacher.


Just a thought.


Oh, and I think CF is "tweakable" enough that you can mold it to whatever reading/spelling curric you choose.

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Cursive First can be used with SWR but can be a stand-alone program, as well. I would not worry about using it with another program.


Also, SWR would not be too much for any child. It is designed for all levels. But I do see your concern about it being too much for you. If you decide to go with SWR, you may want to also order the new DVD, which I have heard a lot of good things about. Some people need to see it in action before they can put the program to work for them.

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If you want Spell to Write and Read, but are turned off by the steep "learning curve" for teaching the program, have you looked into All About Spelling or Phonics Road? I've never used either (I use SWR.), BUT I understand your fear and have read enough posts here on AAS and PR to understand that they have a lot in common with SWR but are easier for the teacher.


Just a thought.


Oh, and I think CF is "tweakable" enough that you can mold it to whatever reading/spelling curric you choose.


Hey, Paula...THANKS!! I will check those out. Can't believe I haven't heard of them! They call me Research Queen around here. LOL!


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We did Cursive First with The Reading Lesson, and now some of Phonics Pathways and it's been fine. SWR was too much for me :D



Thanks, Kristen!


I have The Reading Lesson here from the library right now. I've always used 100 Easy Lessons AND then Phonics Pathways when we finished....along with Pathway readers (for out loud reading to me) and various library books.


Since Heart of Dakota though, I've been wondering if I should switch to The Reading Lesson. IDK...I've taught 3 other children to read without it. lol and I've seen the end results of 100 EL....three times! Hmmm....maybe I should go with the old adage "If it isn't broke, don't fix it." PLUS, I actually OWN 100EL and would have to purchase The Reading Lesson.:confused:




Thanks again :)


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I'd start with 100 EZ,( skip writing exercises) and math games, then add on Bob Books and then around lesson 70 the easiest shelf of the library. ( I made some of my own Bob-like books from the words in 100 EZ. )

After 100, is complete, ( or you have left it because your kids can read library books, I'd start with All About Spelling ( I did SWR for 3 years, and much prefer AAS)

After a few weeks of AAS, I'd add Cursive First. but only if my kid had the motor skills , my oldest suffered through many many unneccessary (spelling?) tears because he was not developmentally ready for the fine motorskills required for hand writing.


and a key boarding program like Dance Mat Typing. ( BBC, free) I think I maybe should have waited until 2nd grade to rquire my ds to write much. my dd , the artist had the skill sand interest to do cursive in K. jsut her personality and skill set. ( and she finds typing a chore, but loves to write)


my 2 cents

~christine in al

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