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Need ideas for my mom's 70th birthday.

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My mother is turning 70 next week. My dh and ds will be out of town, unfortunately, so we are not having a party. But I would like to honor her in some way on that day. She is in great health, thankfully, so she can still do most activities. I wanted to do something more than take her out to dinner with my two dd.

Thanks for any ideas.

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I vote for the portrait. I had one, my mother threw it away in a fit of depression, I promise it will be one of your most prized possesions. Also, maybe get out ALL of the photobooks and scrapbooks you can find and go through as many of them as you can, have her explain the ones you don't remember or of the people you don't know. Your dd will probably get a kick out of this as well. All of this can be followed by cake, mmmm cake. I love cake and pictures. I hope her birthday is special for all of you.



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I am trying to make a slide show for her - some of the ladies here gave me advice on how to get started but it's a LOT of work and I am not sure you could get something like that done on time.


Another option would be one of those digital picture frames. My Mom already has one and loves it, and you could come home and get it all set up for her, or load some photos on it ahead of time.


I'm not sure my mother would be that crazy about a "girls only" photo since she definitely feels very connected to her boys too, but I think a big family portrait is always appreciated!

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I don't know if you have a video editing program on your computer. But for my Dad's 75th I put together a video of pictures to music. I got some old ones of him as a kid, his mom and dad. Then thru the years to his marriage and so on. He still pops that into the VCR every so often. It's a lot of work in a week but it's an awesome gift.

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I don't know if you have a video editing program on your computer. But for my Dad's 75th I put together a video of pictures to music. I got some old ones of him as a kid, his mom and dad. Then thru the years to his marriage and so on. He still pops that into the VCR every so often. It's a lot of work in a week but it's an awesome gift.


Great idea! And I think I will wait for her 75th as it will take me five years to figure out our new computer:lol:! I am much more handy with things that breathe.


Phred, when I saw you had posted I thought you were going to suggest taking my mom to "Expelled" :smilielol5::smilielol5:

No need to reply , we don't need to go there again!

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These are great suggestions...keep them coming!


Most people appreciate it when we spend time with them. Take Mom to her favorite coffee shop, restaurant, park, etc. Tailor the whole day around her. The portrait ideas are wonderful, especially since it sounds like your dd's will be present.

Perhaps the granddaughters can think of something too to please Grandma. Start with breakfast together, then some favorite activity, a break, some fun place for lunch, etc.

It is so nice that you get to do this and it will be a wonderful memory for all of you!

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