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Just discovered Biblioplan and wanted to compare it to SL? sm


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I am finishing up Core 3+4 now with the oldest (5th). I have 2 youngers that I attempted to do Core 1 with but after drowning for 6 weeks I gave up. I just read the picture books to the youngers from Core 1. I planned to do Core 5 next year but that will again leave out my 2nd and 3rd grader for the most part. Of course there is the huge price tag to consider as well. Biblioplan looks so relaxed compared to the SL schedule and seems that I can fit everyone together.


Anyone switch to Biblioplan from SL and love it?


Thank you!


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I have never used a Sonlight core, so I can't really compare the workloads between the two programs. We have enjoyed our first 2 years with Biblioplan and are looking forward to starting year 3 soon. I have always enjoyed looking through the Sonlight catalog and I've always been drawn to core 3 in particular. But the comments I hear are that it is really best for kids who are older than 3rd grade. Many book choices would probably be a bit much for a 3rd grader and a kindergarten tag-along. Which brings me to one of the things I love about Biblioplan. The book list is divided into 3 age groups and the k-2 books are typically picture books. We used only the k-2 readers (and about half of the family read-alouds) last year in first grade. This year we've used the k-2 readers but also added in many of the 3+ books (and most of the family read-alouds). I just love that I can custom-tailor the reading list to the appropriate level for my kids. Many of the books are in our library, and many are titles I recognize from the Sonlight catalog. We have enjoyed almost every book we've read. I do have to say that I spend as much money as I would for a Sonlight core because I choose to buy a lot of the books. I am very happy with Biblioplan and we plan to use it for the rest of our grammar rotation. May even use it for logic stage too!

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GTG is Galloping the Globe. It would be fun, I did it with when my oldest was in K. However, it wouldn't be keeping everyone together and would be more work for you. I use Biblioplan and love it. It keeps everyone together, but allows for reading on everyone's level. It is even able to have the 5-8th graders use other spines to outline as the WTM suggests.

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So, if I like the SL "way" then Biblioplan probably wouldn't be for me? I don't care for the outlining aspect of TWTM. I like SL's philosophy in that dc will remember what they have an emotional response.

Hmmm, don't know!


I definately don't want more work via GTG. The problem is reading aloud "time" as I am always short on time and the recommendations for the older cores leave out the youngers.


Thanks for sharing,


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And, I think the pacing is more "reasonable" than SL's. We do our spines aloud, too, but you wouldn't have to. You could only do the reading from SOTW and skip the outlining part. The schedule basically lays out a spine selection from which to read (and SOTW is scheduled as one choice), the independent readers scheduled by age, and the read-aloud for the whole family. Sometimes there are additional suggestions/activities. However, there are not questions lined out like SL.


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You know I "rarely" ever get out the IG for questions. I will ask for a written summary here or there or an oral narration to make sure she knows what she is reading so I wouldn't miss the questions!!!


I just wonder how I could replace Core 5 with Biblioplan b/c there doesn't seem to be a geography course there?

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Biblioplan is designed to go along with the four-year cycle as covered in the WTM, so they don't have a Geography program per se'. I think your oldest might be too old for MFW ECC, but I am not sure since I have not used MFW.

Sorry! We love Biblioplan!

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You wouldn't need to outline, just mentioning you could. :) It is basically just a list of book suggestions for 5-8, 2-5, and K-2. It also gives several spine options including SOTW. It also tells what to put onto a timeline, and gives mapping suggestions. There is a family read aloud scheduled and a writing prompt each week. All of it is left up to you to decide to use it or not.

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