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Daily Physical Activity?


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What do you do with your kids? My kids are active in sports overall, once mid-september hits. Ringette, Hockey, Basketball, Dance, swimming(not each child in everything, but they all have at least one thing). But these don't provide daily activity. I feel it's important. I struggle with my weight, so I want to set up the kids for an active life, and so far we've been successful.


I have the Wii, so they do that, dd13 is a goalie, and she does yoga there for stretching. We have a treadmill that I plan to have the kids use, likely just walking, as in the winter here it gets to -40ºC/F and not safe for outdoor activity. This is ok for the elder 2, but the youngest, not sure how into it she'd be.


Any ideas would be appreciated!

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We live near the intermediate school in our district where they offer a runner's club. My daughter is not permitted to participate in the actual runner's club since she is homeschooled, but I know the route (it actually goes right by our house!) and we have instituted our own version of runner's club. I believe it is about a 3-mile route, but what we are doing is daily jwalking (jogging/walking combo). We rode our bicycles last week to get familiar with the route, plus she is not really a runner. This morning, we did our jwalking for the first time. My 17 year-old daughter wanted to go along, and I had my 4.5 year old in the jogging stroller. It is my intention that we will work up to five days a week jwalking this route, and probably ride our bikes in the evening. I have a bike seat for my little one, so that works well, too.


For me, there's nothing like exercising alongside my kids. The two girls, and my two high-school aged boys, and I all take karate twice a week as well.

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My kids are little but I'm trying to get into a daily habit both for them and me. I'm actually the hard one. :tongue_smilie:


They will both be taking a homeschool gymnastics class and ds will have soccer starting in a couple weeks. When the weather gets cooler, we'll walk to our mailbox every day which is about 1/2 mile round trip. I'm hoping to get a Wii for Christmas for all of us to use. Until then, I'm bookmarking a bunch of party dance videos on you tube to dance along with. Things like the Electric Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Achy Breaky, Cotton Eye Joe. I figure the kids would find this interesting so we could do them together and it gets my butt off the couch.

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My daughter's still young yet, but I try to set a good example by doing some exercise on the treadmill or elliptical most nights. (Summer we walk outside together, so I'm just starting the indoor exercise now.) As I walk, she jumps on a mini trampoline or rides her plasma car around.

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When we lived in Alaska (prior to kids but I, myself ran into the same issues), I swore by my jumprope and loved the indoor pool. I also did yoga (on DVD).


I'd think the treadmill will be a big help too. Maybe you could get a map of a region (the US? Your state? etc.) and let them chart how "far" they've walked on the treadmill. Maybe set a goal to help with motivation?

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None of my kids are very active. They have no desire for athletics or sports of any kind and rarely go outside. They get it honest.


This year I have started an intense workout program and am loving the results. I want to set a good example for the kids and start to develop a habit of healthy living with them. So, this year is the first that I plan to include PE in our hs schedule. I ordered two dvds from http://www.beachbody.com made especially for kids. They really like the Fit Kids Club one. They can also choose to ride their bike around the neighborhood or jump on the mini tramp. We will probably find more dvds in the future or get some from Netflix for some variety.

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I just started homeschooling my youngest, and he complained that because he had no school, he had no gym. So I contacted the city-owned recreation centers and asked them when did they have open gym. By buying my two youngest children a city recreation card for a couple of dollars, they can use the gym anytime there is no class or reservation. They can use the basketballs, soccer balls, hockey sticks and pucks, etc. that are there. Being that it's been in the 90s and 100s here, it's nice that we can go to an airconditioned gym for only a couple of dollars a year and shoot some hoops!


Maybe your town or county has a recreation center with open gym times?

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I just started homeschooling my youngest, and he complained that because he had no school, he had no gym. So I contacted the city-owned recreation centers and asked them when did they have open gym. By buying my two youngest children a city recreation card for a couple of dollars, they can use the gym anytime there is no class or reservation. They can use the basketballs, soccer balls, hockey sticks and pucks, etc. that are there. Being that it's been in the 90s and 100s here, it's nice that we can go to an airconditioned gym for only a couple of dollars a year and shoot some hoops!


Maybe your town or county has a recreation center with open gym times?


Unfortunately the rec center is a very pricey option here. We looked into it. It would be $300+/year, per child, we aren't close to it, and they aren't allowed on their own, so I would need a pass as well, at the cost of $1000. It's not very affordable :(

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We struggled with daily exercise, until we got a dog. :001_smile: Now dh takes her out for a short walk and ball-chase before he goes to work; I and the dc take her out for a lope and a sniff in the woods after lunch; and usually I then take her for a 1hr walk in the evening. I see you have 2 puppies.. would you be able to do something similar?

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