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Moving Beyond the Page

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I'll tell you what I do exactly with my ds who is 5 1/2 yrs old and would be in year 1 in the UK



Rightstart level B, highly scripted and I then add my own drill where needed


Language arts

ETC level 3 1/2 available in the UK

Learning language arts through literature Red book which we have just started-I love this, all highly scripted. Available in the UK

phonic readers www.piperbooks.co.uk



Did do FLL and will probably use it a bit more in the future too.



Sonlight core K

We were doing SOTW1 which is excellent with the activity book and CD but although ds loves it and is learning a lot I thought that I would delay it a little so he can get more out of it, hence me starting sonlight


We did use the Evan Moore geography workbooks (beginning series) which are excellent and available as a download-no postage!!!! and they have LOTS on their site-for science too.


We use other odds and ends too, eg Draw Write Now.


Was doing it the WTM way but will use Sonlight science core K for a bit which ds loves.


I like scripted too especially for maths and LA. We do lots of read alouds for me and him too.


Start slowly with a few things and add to them. You can't start on day 1 with a complete curriculum as you don't know how your dc will react.

Get the basics done and fit in the extras as you get more experience


Edited by StephanieF
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I'll tell you what I do exactly with my ds who is 5 1/2 yrs old and would be in year 1 in the UK



Rightstart level B, highly scripted and I then add my own drill where needed


Language arts

ETC level 3 1/2 available in the UK

Learning language arts through literature Red book which we have just started-I love this, all highly scripted. Available in the UK

phonic readers www.piperbooks.co.uk



Did do FLL and will probably use it a bit more in the future too.



Sonlight core K

We were doing SOTW1 which is excellent with the activity book and CD but although ds loves it and is learning a lot I thought that I would delay it a little so he can get more out of it, hence me starting sonlight


We did use the Evan Moore geography workbooks (beginning series) which are excellent and available as a download-no postage!!!! and they have LOTS on their site-for science too.


We use other odds and ends too, eg Draw Write Now.


Was doing it the WTM way but will use Sonlight science core K for a bit which ds loves.


I like scripted too especially for maths and LA. We do lots of read alouds for me and him too.


Start slowly with a few things and add to them. You can't start on day 1 with a complete curriculum as you don't know how your dc will react.

Get the basics done and fit in the extras as you get more experience



Thanks for that breakdown, I'll check out the UK resources. Re: MBP, i'm still trying to find out if i can have it shipped to US or canada as we have some friends there. However, if you could let me know total value of your order plus estimated shipping cost i'll work out mine and see if it is cost effective to have sent here. Although I could buy the books here, it might work out the same if I just have the lot sent to the US. x

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My order comes to $60 plus shipping (a parent and a student manual). Some of the books are available second hand on amazon market place and cost just a few pounds so if you need to save ££ then you can. However I know it is easier just to buy the whole lot in one go. I did that with SL.


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  • 11 months later...
considering giving MBTP a go with my little one...and I have read all of the posts and still not sure. any more updates ladies?


I'm using the 5-7 Environment Concept with my big girl. It's ok. She did enjoy the habitat portion and I made it more exciting with extra projects.


I think it's rather expensive and don't plan on using it anymore (plus it's secular). And I think their age recommendations aren't accurate. My 3.5 year old is working this just fine and it's suppose to be for "gifted" 5 year olds.


I give it 2-3 stars out of 5.

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I received concept one for ms ds, age 5. This is right up his alley...lots of hands on projects, learning about the environment and animals. I wouldnt say this is for gifted 5 year olds at all...more for average 5 but definitely creative, fun learning ideas. Not really anything I couldnt have thought up myself....but I dont have time anymore to think this stuff up, LOL...I am guessing he will love this.


I can let you know in a few weeks. We are supplementing with Moving with Math and CLE Learning to Read, along with a few other things. I only have concept one for now..and depending on how he likes it, I will order more for next year. This does not teach reading or phonics, but I knew that from the website.


Cant wait to start...will post pics and info once we have gotten a bit into this. Good luck with your decisions. Just to let you know, MBTP offers free shipping and discounts in March according to their forums on the website:)

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I ordered some things and used some. The science kits are fun and we used those for summer activities. The literature units would be good for an average learner, would suit some, but not my accelerated ones. I like to look at the book lists for reading ideas.

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I have used Moving Beyond the Page for ages 9 to 11 this past year, and I am very unhappy with it. It is filled with errors. Typographical errors can be found on almost every page of the curriculum, and there are also factual errors. I have also been less-than-impressed with their customer service.


I agree with previous posters that either a Well-Trained Mind or Charlotte Mason approach would be much more challenging and satisfying for most children. MBTP is not particularly challenging or stimulating. I used it for half of a year -- it was expensive and so I had a hard time admitting that it wasn't working. Now that I have stopped, my daughters and I are all much happier.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest regomez4

Is anybody willing to sell (for less) any curiculum in the 6-8 age range that you have not used yet? Reading all the pros and cons here, I still want to try it. Hope to hear from anybody soon... Thanks!

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