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PSAT; Should dd take this?

Jackie in NE

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Dd, 10th grade, is taking math and science at the local public school, and everything else on-line with Veritas Press Scholars Academy. She has earned A's in all classes, save Geometry and Composition (B's). I feel that one of her weaknesses is test-taking. I think she tends to rush through things, and not perform at her best. She is afraid of them. She excells, however, on essay style tests in classes like Omnibus.


She is hoping to attend a private college majoring in either Literature, English, or some sort of Classical Civilizations major. We will need her to receive a pretty hefty academic scholarship in order to go this route. Either that, or sell half of the cow herd, lol. (NOT actually an option!) So, do you experienced parents of college students think she should take advantage of all the testing opportunities available? Are there any cons to her taking the PSAT as a Sophomore? Thanks for any advice you can give. I am a complete rookie at all of this!


(I did x-post this on the high school board.)

Edited by Jackie in NE
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In my opinion, there are no downsides to your daughter taking the PSAT as a sophomore. She will get a good idea of what the test is like and be able to address any deficiences before taking the test as an 11th grader when a good score could result in being a National Merit finalist or commended student.




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In my opinion, there are no downsides to your daughter taking the PSAT as a sophomore. She will get a good idea of what the test is like and be able to address any deficiences before taking the test as an 11th grader when a good score could result in being a National Merit finalist or commended student.





:iagree: 100%

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Yes, I agree with the others to go ahead and have your dd take the PSAT. My older dd will be taking the test this Oct. as practice for the SAT next year. She has already taken a practice SAT, but I think the more experience they have with taking these kinds of tests, the better they'll do in the end.:)

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Just a thought for those considering the PSAT for 9th graders. Know your student. If I were to have my youngest try it in 9th grade the math portion would discourage him immensely since he is only starting geometry this year (and geometry is on the test). When he doesn't know something - and scores poorly because of it - he gets discouraged, not inspired. He'd be more likely to not want to take it in 10th or 11th and would go in with a poor frame of mind EVEN after he knew more from taking the course. He'd defeat himself.


My middle son would have been ok taking it in 9th as he gets inspired by low scores based on what he doesn't know and would have been home after the test trying to cram in the knowledge. Even so, we only started him with 10th grade and he did fine.


My oldest wouldn't have cared one way or another. He wouldn't be upset with himself and wouldn't have been inspired to study more of anything. It just would have been a diagnostic test for me.


Know your student and make your decision accordingly. What's right for one is not necessarily right for all.

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You make a very good point, creekland.






That is a good point. I don't think my 9th grader will be too discouraged, even though the math will cover things he doesn't know. When my kids have taken tests that are designed to go beyond what they have learned, I have always warned them about it so they won't get discouraged. So I will be sure to do that with ds for the PSAT.

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