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For Horizon Math users,please help!!!


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I posted yesterday about switching to Saxon this coming school year. But I never really ask about how the Horizon Grade 4 to 6 is. So for those of you who use it in this Grade level, how good is the Teacher Guide set up? Because this is the part I am having a hard time with Horizon, their instruction guides are useless and I am wondering if the Grade 4-6 is different. Thank you.:001_smile:



Mother of 3 boys(Jhosh8,Alden3 and Taylor2)

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I've wrestled with this very thing. My dd used Horizons last year for 3rd grade and liked it. But, like you, I found the TM useless. It would say "teach the student blah, blah, blah..." with no help about how to teach the concept. For third grade, this wasn't really a problem because the concepts were so easy. But I've wondered if it will become more and more of a problem ....


I didn't home school for 4th grade but I've read that the TMs remain the same throughout the program. Someone on another forum suggested something called Math Dictionary for Kids from RR to help explain and teach concepts that were difficult.

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We're only on Horizons 2, but someone gave me their Horizons 6 TM which I'm saving for later use. It has the lesson plan set out like this:



Teaching tips

Materials, supplies, equipment



I can't help you with Horizons 4 TM because I don't have it.

You might be able to see sample pages at Sonlight.



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Thank you for all your input. I just don't know what to do at this time. Part of me says to stay with Horizon and finish up until Grade 6 and move on to Saxon. I don't have a problem with Math, just that it's easy for me to arrive with the answer, I can't just figure out sometimes on how to teach it in a way that he will be able to understand the concept. He does not have a problem either, he's a very smart kid. But I am looking in the future and thinking of the what if we stumble on something he's gonna have a hard time with. I want to have a Teacher guide to guide me with problems like that.

But thanks for all your input, I appreciate it.



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I know exactly what you mean. With my twins, we used R&S math up through 4th grade but my one ds was getting bogged down. We switched to Horizons for 5th grade for a change of pace and a little more fun in the exercises. That part has gone well but both my sons have commented on how much better R&S was at explaining things, both in the TM and in the student textbook. I have had to come up with my own ideas for how to help them grasp the challenging concepts. That isn't particularly difficult but it takes more time. With R&S the ideas were already there and they were understandable and solid.


It was a bit tough for them to decide whether to return to R&S next year or stay with Horizons. They've decided they like the assignments better in Horizons, so I'll need to do some planning ahead to help them through the trouble spots.


I also sometimes find my ideas for conveying a concept aren't working. At that point, I usually get my older ds or dd to give their input on what worked for them. If we're still at a loss, it's dh to the rescue when he gets home from work. This is definitely the case for my older dc's high school math questions!


Also, I don't know if you are planning to continue with Horizons after 6th grade. I guess that might make a difference in your decision. With all but one of my dc, we've gone in a different direction in 7th grade, except my oldest who used Scott Foresman texts up through 7th grade, tried Saxon for Algebra I and ended up using Chalkdust through high school. My next oldest also did Scott Foresman through 6th, than Lial's BCM, then Chalkdust Algebra I (which didn't work for him), then settled into Teaching Textbooks Algebra II and Geometry. Dd did R&S up through 6th, tried BCM and hated it, went back to Scott Foresman UCSMP for 7th and is currently doing TT Algebra I.


I don't know if you'd want to jump around if you are going to go with Saxon eventually, but my dd really did get a great foundation with R&S and I so appreciated their thoroughness. Teaching Textbooks is another one with good explanations of what needs to be done and why, although the cost for the younger grades seems high. I'm more willing to pay the higher price for the higher maths because they are areas where I really need the help.


Hope you find a solution that will work for you!




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Same problem here in that the teacher's manual didn't provide me with enough support other than answers to the problems. I am not great at math and I find that sometimes I don't have a sufficient explanation to a question my son has on a problem. I do like the workbooks for them. We have used Horizons from 1-6 and my boys have tested well. I am now looking for a math option for grade 7. Just ordered Life of Fred-Algebra to use as a summer math.

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We're using Horizons 3 right now. I have been using this program for my oldest since K. I had a hard time last year and again this year.


I just ditched it and went to Saxon 54. I got the best price from www.smartalecbooks.com. I bought the DIVE cd as well.


It arrived today, and I just wanted to cry. I wish I had ditched Horizons last year, or atleast started off with Saxon this year. I will be finishing this week in Horizons (to finish off book one...it's been torture to do these lessons plus lots of illness so we are a bit behind)...and then next week we'll start Saxon 54.


The student text for Saxon gives clear explinations and examples...unlike Horizons.


Also, there is an awesome book called Understanding Mathematics from Counting to Calculus. I got this in last month from Rainbow Resource (I think that's the place), and I can't recommend this enough. You can see sample pages at Amazon.com, I think. It starts from counting, and thoroughly explains everything about math and each topic builds on the other. It gives examples, etc. Just a truly wonderful resource for any homeschool parent and student alike.


I had a really hard time giving up Horizons. There are lots who say it's far better than Saxon...however, it just jumps around too much now for dd and it doesn't focus well enough on one thing to have it mastered nicely before hopping onto something else. Perhaps it's just too much going on at once.... Anyway, it worked for K and 1...and part of 2nd...and just doesn't at all anymore. It doesn't give me what I need to teach it successfully...the tm's are pretty lacking.

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Also, there is an awesome book called Understanding Mathematics from Counting to Calculus. I got this in last month from Rainbow Resource (I think that's the place), and I can't recommend this enough. You can see sample pages at Amazon.com, I think. It starts from counting, and thoroughly explains everything about math and each topic builds on the other. It gives examples, etc. Just a truly wonderful resource for any homeschool parent and student alike.


It doesn't give me what I need to teach it successfully...the tm's are pretty lacking.


I have the same problem with Horizons but we love the workbooks. Do you think that this book you mentioned would take care of the teaching problem and we could still use the workbooks? I am also looking into BJU... right after I bought Horizons everyone was singing BJUs praises.



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I have the same problem with Horizons but we love the workbooks. Do you think that this book you mentioned would take care of the teaching problem and we could still use the workbooks? I am also looking into BJU... right after I bought Horizons everyone was singing BJUs praises.









You might try checking a few places out online to see some page samples. But yes. I planned to use it that way...but after a horrible week with dd, I just went on a splurge and bought Saxon. I just couldn't be patient any longer. I plan to still use the Horizons workbook as well as we transition over.


I should add that after reading this math book a bit, I felt the need to stop Horizons...back track a bit to make sure my dd fully understood each concept that was in her books...and then pick Horizons back up.

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