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BESIDES MCT, Other LA with Rigor?


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What would be second and third runner-ups as far as rigor for LA?


We use TOG and do have the Writing Aids with it. We are considering MCT.


But I want to know what would be some other rigorous curriculums to consider.


I Have read 100 Top Picks by Duffy .. I have the book.


I am trying to narrow down my selection to just a few.


LA comes naturally to my DS so I want a Strong program (for his 1st grade national testing he placed 6 grade level in all LA areas and post high school level in *word decoding*)


I want the right fit but I don't want to torture him either LOL


Any ideas?


Thanks, Loretta

Edited by Lorriekay
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I am not a MCT fan. We use FLL and then start Rod and Staff English in 4th grade. I would consider these some of the best grammar program on the market.


After trying MCT, my ds is not a fan, either. . .he begged me to switch back to R&S, which we'd been using since 2nd grade. He didn't feel like he learned anything with MCT and although he never loved grammar to begin with, did think R&S was teaching him something.

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Wow thanks, guys! I will have to take another look at Rod & Staff.


Cadam .. does Rod & Staff begin at fourth grade, why are you using something else until fourth grade?


Is it because First Language Lessons is better for the youngers?


thanks, Loretta :auto:




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From what I know so far of my very short homeschooling experience, I just tend to use two different methods of learning when it comes to Language Arts. Anytime I can make it literally "come alive" to them (ie.. The Sentence Family, MCT Grammar Island) I think I have them hooked. They just enjoy it, and don't even realize they are actually learning something.


The Rod & Staff is a rigorous curriculum though from what I can tell so far (certainly not saying MCT isn't). I don't think that one HAS to use both, I just like to know that I have covered all the bases by doing something creative alongside something more methodical. The R&S doesn't really take my oldest that long to do, maybe 15 minutes tops, and right now we are finishing up The Sentence Family and that takes the other 15-20 minutes I have scheduled for grammar. We will then incorporate MCT into the mix... so you are really asking someone that has NOT used MCT, but is just basing it on what I have seen & read, along with listening to MCT talk online. Plus I kind of know my kids pretty well, so hopefully I have chosen things that will interest them. ;-) But, time will tell.


I will say that R&S has English Sets that start in 2nd grade, in case you are interested in starting earlier. I happen to choose R&S for my youngest over FLL only because with a 2 year old in tow I knew there would be times that I wouldn't be able to read aloud to him every lesson. That's another reason why I have both MCT & R&S. I just needed R&S there to assign them to do WHILE I was getting the little one settled, that way they were continually learning and then I could jump in with The Sentence Family or MCT when the little one was settled. Sorry I don't know more, hopefully that helps. ;-)

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-would anyone consider Shurley rigorous? at this point, i would, though i haven't done the entire of it yet

-i don't think FLL is rigorous at all. we just finished up FLL2 yesterday (my just-turned 2nd grader who is very gifted in LA) and he doesn't think at all that it's difficult. we frequently squish MULTIPLE lessons into one LA time.

i know there's a difference between fll2 and fll3 in intensity .... or at least that's what everyone has advised me about.

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