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Middle School Science: Curriculum or Online Course?


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I need some advice on Middle School Science (for my 7th grade DD) curriculum selection.


This is our 2nd yr HSing, and she has a natural affinity towards science, however has not had much in her former private school education. This past yr we did Earth science w/ some labs, etc., and she really needs more now.


I've heard good things of Real Science 4 kids, and various other hs curricula, as well as online coures from the Potters School, whcih includes labs. Would prefer lab work to go w/ lessons.


ANY feedback/experience/suggestions are welcomed.....I'm struggling w/ this last curriculum choice, since she does show a strength/love towards this.

Thanks Alot!! Mary

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Are you looking to do chemistry this year? If so, I would look at Ellen McHenry's The Elements and Carbon Chemistry. I've heard lots of great things about them and together they should make a full year for a 7th grader. Hope that helps!

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We're doing Real Science 4 Kids Biology Level 1. Level 2 is currently only available as an on-line course, I think. I have to admit that I'm fleshing Level 1 out quite a bit, but I like it as a place to start.


Ds is doing additional independent research and writing on each of the 5 Kingdoms, including more experiments. We're adding in the Usborne Microscope book with activities. He'll also be using Froguts on-line dissection. After we've gone through all that with the 10 chapters in the book we'll do a 10 week (approx) human body study with library and home resources. I think I've read about an on-line human body resource that SWB recommends in WTM. I've got to check that out.


I wish this was all already prepared for me. Open and go would be nice. Unikely, but nice. An on-line course is really a GREAT alternative. A friend's son is using the PLATO on-line science course.

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Have you looked at Rainbow Science? This is what I am using for my 7th grader. Rainbow Science




At least at this point (2nd week of school) I'd say that a bright 7th grader who loves science could complete the 2 years of Rainbow Science in 1 year, if an accelerated schedule would appeal to you. Otherwise, Rainbow is structured so that you cover physics and chemistry the first year and biology the second. It's early days yet, but we're really, really pleased with Rainbow so far.


Good luck to you :).



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  • 9 months later...

loving Plato Science over here - we do add in note-taking/outlining before they take the mastery test, but otherwise its sign in and go...and nicely rigorous but still enjoyable. We do do a lab based program at the local university extension during the "school year", as well, but I am thrilled with Plato. (Presently using Earth and Life Sciences for my 2 oldest).


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We're doing Real Science 4 Kids Biology Level 1. Level 2 is currently only available as an on-line course, I think. I have to admit that I'm fleshing Level 1 out quite a bit, but I like it as a place to start.


Ds is doing additional independent research and writing on each of the 5 Kingdoms, including more experiments. We're adding in the Usborne Microscope book with activities. He'll also be using Froguts on-line dissection. After we've gone through all that with the 10 chapters in the book we'll do a 10 week (approx) human body study with library and home resources. I think I've read about an on-line human body resource that SWB recommends in WTM. I've got to check that out.


I wish this was all already prepared for me. Open and go would be nice. Unikely, but nice. An on-line course is really a GREAT alternative. A friend's son is using the PLATO on-line science course.



To quote myself -- :tongue_smilie:

This ended up NOT being enough. Real Science Level 1 needed enough supplementation that it quite literally became a completely different science curriculum, cobbled together by Mom, and requiring too much work from me. I couldn't keep up and things were frequently not ready for the next step.


Ds ended up doing an in-depth genetics study that he'll likely continue, using a slew of different books from the library, The Science of Jurassic Park and the Lost World, and Usborne Introduction to Genes and DNA. He's also using PLATO Life Science and Froguts virtual dissection. The Usborne book of the Microscope went well. We did a lot with the microscope... but we can do more. The DNA study morphed into a study on cloning with an emphasis on the idea of human cloning. He has a collection of resources and is currently working on a research paper.


We haven't gotten to a human anatomy study yet, but we'll probably do that next.


Real Science 4 Kids Level 1 was used by my 3rd grader. It matched up nicely with the Pre Level 1 that my 5 y.o. loves. I still added stuff -- but that's a problem I have. ;)

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We enjoyed PLATO here along with various other supplements I found here and there.


Edited to add...I have so many different science curriculum from my curriculum junkie days...RS4K, The Rainbow, NOEO, and lots of Eyewitness books. None has been perfect by itself. So we dig deeper with a big from each and add in some experiments, dissection, etc...depending on the topic.

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