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Where do you buy felt boards and pieces?


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I made mine. It was easy and cheap, and it is big! I used a 50% off coupon for JoAnns to buy felt from the bolt and dh brought a big piece of cardboard home from work that was an appliance box. I also needed spray adhesive and fabric glue. The pieces I also made myself, but you can buy too. I wanted mine big because it is for a toddler. I mostly made shapes, but also food and some people. I'd rather buy the people, lol. I did just order and receive one of these felt dolls from Rainbow Resource. I started cutting out the pieces last night. Its cute! I didn't realize the pieces weren't already cut when I bought it though, lol.

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Sometimes the Betty Lukens materials show up on the used homeschool boards (usually just the felts though).



Feltboards can be fairly pricey, but with a small amount of effort and very little money, you could make the felt board. You could use cardboard or a very thin wood (paneling, scrap of linoleum, etc) The felt can be purchased very inexpensively at Wal-mart. You could then use either a heavy duty glue or a staple gun depending upon size and material used. One of my smaller ones is made of cardboard and we structured it so that it has flaps and reinforcements on the bottome so that it stands up and folds down flat.


I hope this helps and that you find what you are looking for.




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