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Starting TOG tomorrow!!


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Arrrrgghhhhh!!!! I am so excited - and such a dork!! We start our new school year tomorrow with TOG. I have big plans. LOL I am going to be armed with my camera to blog about our first day. I'm doing some last minute finishing touches preparing tonight an then I am going to TRY to fall asleep at a reasonable hour. Wish us luck!!!:D:tongue_smilie:

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Me too! I'm so excited too! I feel like I have been homeschooling all these years without exhaling. Now I can exhale!!!

What year are you doing? We're starting with Year Two.

I showed my 5th grade ds what he needed to read and accomplish this week. As suggested by Marcia Sommerville in one of the summer webinars for UG students and older I had him write out his own schedule. I didn't think he could do it. I thought he would balk and whine and say he couldn't write small enough. He amazed me and did a great job figuring out what days he would do everything. Just wow!





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Last year was our first year with TOG and we loved it, so I understand your excitement! Tomorrow we begin another school year and we will pick up where we left off at YR 1 Unit 4. My plan is for us to complete this and then do YR 2 Units 1-3 by next summer. My dd is especially excited to learn about Medieval history, but I don't want us to linger there too long. We need to get across the Atlantic eventually! There will be lots to learn and discover as we transition from UG to D level, and I can't wait.


Have fun this week. I look forward to hearing the reports! :~)




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but not starting TOG 3 yet. We do at least a week of half-day school each year. I'm not up to starting everything at one AND, more to the point, I'm still having my TOG3 books shipped here.


Just remember to worry about just one week of TOG at a time. If you are busy one week, drop some part of TOG. The world won't end!! We never got to week 35 and 36 of TOG2. Oh, well!!


I hope you love your TOG adventure. It's truly been wonderful here these last two years.

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If you are busy one week, drop some part of TOG. The world won't end!!




Some weeks you will have no trouble getting everything done, but there will be some weeks you are going to flounder! No biggie. Your students will get PLENTY of history even if you don't get it all done. Don't sweat it. Besides, your teacher's notes can easily help you teach whatever may have been missed. ;)

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