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We lllllooooooovvvvvveeeeeeee persimmon pudding here. It's really like a moist brownie than a traditional pudding and very easy to make.


Here's the recipe if you're interested:


2 cups sugar

2 cups pulp (I stock up on frozen pulp each fall to get through the year:001_smile:)

2 eggs

2 cups flour

2 cups buttermilk **

1 tsp soda

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup butter softened


Mix, pour into greased 9 x13 pan and bake at 325 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Knife comes out clean when done. It puffs up but will settle as it cools. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream. Yum!!!!:drool5:


** if I don't have buttermilk, I use 2 Tbs lemon juice and fill to 2 cup level with milk. Let set a few minutes then mix with other ingredients.

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We lllllooooooovvvvvveeeeeeee persimmon pudding here. It's really like a moist brownie than a traditional pudding and very easy to make.


Here's the recipe if you're interested:


2 cups sugar

2 cups pulp (I stock up on frozen pulp each fall to get through the year:001_smile:)

2 eggs

2 cups flour

2 cups buttermilk **

1 tsp soda

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup butter softened


Mix, pour into greased 9 x13 pan and bake at 325 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Knife comes out clean when done. It puffs up but will settle as it cools. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream. Yum!!!!:drool5:


** if I don't have buttermilk, I use 2 Tbs lemon juice and fill to 2 cup level with milk. Let set a few minutes then mix with other ingredients.


That sounds sooo delish! Our persimmons aren't ready yet, but I'm drooling already! Aren't they just the best fruit EVER?

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When we transferred to Tennessee years ago, we were driving by a mini farm that had persimmons laying all over the ground. My dh and I stopped and asked if we could buy some. We were told, "Heck, we let the pigs eat'em" What a waste!!!!!!!!


Aaaak! He speaks blaspheme! My dad grows persimmons (the soft kind) and they are great. Great cookies & puddings. I freeze them once they get soft, I peel them and freeze the pulp. Makes delicious additions to smoothies and the pulp is so sweet you don't need to add any sweetener and they are so colorful and full of anti-oxidants. The hard kind are yummy to just eat like an apple, sliced in frut salads.

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I have a persimmon tree right in my backyard. I didn't even notice for the first two years that this random tree even had fruit :rolleyes: So last year when I finally figured it out, I watched to see if we could do anything with this free fruit. They seemed to go from hard to complete mush overnight and none of us liked the way they taste. How do you know when they are ready to use??

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I have a persimmon tree right in my backyard. I didn't even notice for the first two years that this random tree even had fruit :rolleyes: So last year when I finally figured it out, I watched to see if we could do anything with this free fruit. They seemed to go from hard to complete mush overnight and none of us liked the way they taste. How do you know when they are ready to use??


When they are mushy and soft they are ready. My parents eat them plain, just scoop them out of the skin and eat them with a spoon. To be honest, I havent' yet acquired that taste, but they're ready when they're mushy. My dad has also tried drying them and they're very good dried. You peel them (do it when they're pretty soft, but not mushy. It's kind of tricky, because if they're not quite ripe they're very astringent), but leave the stem flower thing on. Put them in a dehydrator or hang them whole from the stem in a dry room for several weeks utill they've dehydrated. Then slice. The sugar crystalizes on the outside of them, so it has this white powdery coating, which is just sugar and they're pretty yummy dried, too!

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