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Antidepressants / Antianxiety meds - HELP!

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Hi, all-


I am going to the doctor tomorrow to talk about possibly starting some medication for anxiety. I have denied the need for it for a while and find myself getting worse. I have intense anxiety at times, and I find I am constantly annoyed with people and very intolerant. Quite honestly, I am most happy when I'm alone and not able to be bothered by things that most people could handle just fine (kids arguing, teenager issues, kids not doing chores the right way, deadlines, etc.) It is getting to be quite debilitating, and I'm afraid I am pushing my family away. There is also a need for perfection that plagues me constantly.


Anyway, I am wondering about the best medication for these types of issues. I know everyone is different, but I would like to know of experiences people have had with different meds, good or bad. I am terrified of going on medication but suspect I should have done it a long time ago. Ugh. If you want to pm for privacy, that would be fine. Thank you!

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I wish you well in your search for relief of your anxiety. I can't comment on the meds, but I would like to encourage you to make sure your doctor thoroughly checks you out for any physical causes of anxiety like your thyroid, for example. I had a vitamin defiiciency that aggravated my stress level, and it was only by chance that I asked the doctor to do the test and he indulged me. I only got the idea to test for vitamin levels because of a friend's experience. And it was for a completely different symptom. Once I started supplements, it was like my mind became quiet.

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When you get your thyroid checked again, I've heard it's important to get the thyroid cascade done. I think that's what it's called. It checks more than the simple test that doctors often do.


Do you get a chance to exercise? In the past, I remember looking up natural ways to boost serotonin levels. Exercise was a biggie. I think serotonin is made in your gut and you need B vitamins (B6?) and protein to make it. Then, there's fish oil. Just throwing out ideas.



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I'll speak up about this. After seeing my PCP for issues with anxiety we tried several different medications--Zoloft, Cymbalta and Paxil. None of them worked well for me and it was something I never felt like it was something my PCP was comfortable dealing with, so I started seeing a psychiatrist a few months ago. We're still working on stuff. I'm taking Prozac, which I don't think is going to work out. It seems to increase my anxiety. He's also given me a generous amount of Lorazapam which has been more helpful. I see him again next Tuesday, and I KNOW the Lorazepam is *not* a long-term solution, but I've got to find something that knocks down the anxiety. There are only a few friends left I feel comfortable enough with to do things and I fear I'm really crimping the dh and ds's social lives.

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I started off on Zoloft, which worked quite well, BUT it made me gain a ton of weight (about 30 lbs). Fantastic. I wasn't anxious any more, I was depressed! ;) My new doc said Zoloft was good for anxiety, but was bad for causing weight gain. He switched me to Effexor and it is really good. I haven't gained any weight (hurrah!) and I'm quite calm (but not catatonic). If I forget to take if for a few days, I can really feel the difference. I'm anxious and everything irritates me.

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I was in the same place you were 6 months ago. Started seeing a therapist... She desperately wanted to try medications, but I was so resistant. Eventually I tried Zoloft and felt like I had the flu. SO - that didn't work. Two months ago I decided I really needed to try something else - so my doc tried Wellbutrin.

It is amazing. I have never felt "normal' before - and once I started feeling normal - I realized just how bad I had been. It took about 6 weeks for the full effect to start - but the side effects are mild to none, most people lose weight rather than gain it, and it doesn't affect - uh - special time with your DH.

I hope it works out for you, good luck and don't give up.

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Hi, you sound like my long-lost twin :) I have had anxiety issues since I was a teen. I went on Lexapro 7 years ago and it has been a life-saver. I did have some side effects at first but they went away after a few weeks.


Just recently I switched to Cymbalta because I also have fibromyalgia and it is supposed to help with the pain. It seems to be doing a good job keeping the anxiety under control as well.


Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you. I know a lot of people besides myself who have been helped with anti-anxiety meds.

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Thanks, everyone! I need to do some research as to which meds cause weight gain. I definitely cannot afford to gain weight, as I am already overweight. Bleh. Thank you for bringing that to my attention so I can be informed when I go in.


Hmmm...someone asked about exercise. I'm afraid I am in a vicious cycle. I need to lose weight, but it hurts to exercise because I am overweight. Consequently, I don't exercise nearly as much as I should. Maybe a combination of a better diet, some exercise and a low dose of something would be good. If I go on meds, I don't want to be on them forever. A good regimen might help facilitate that?

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For me my biggest problem is that I notice it effects my short term memory. I remember stuff but have trouble placing them in order. It can also make me very giddy. Giggle. Giggle. ...


Oh dear!! My family would love to see a giggly me, I'm sure! I already have a fuzzy brain - can't imagine me on this.:blink: Seriously, though, I think for car rides (a source of anxiety - as a passenger, not a driver) or other intense situations it would be helpful. Is this something you have to take for a while to take effect?

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Celexa is my friend:) Seriously though, 7 years ago I could have written your post. I always struggled with anxiety, but it was really starting to impact my life and my relationships. Started Celexa and was a new person. Side effects vary from person to person, but I have had none. No weight gain, tiredness...nada. I started on 20mg and ended up at 40 which is where I have stayed for years now. I tried going off it a while ago and it was awful. Not awful in a withdrawal sort of way, but awful because all that anxiety crept back up. Now I know I just need to stay on it. Good luck...I hope you find what helps you. It really makes a world of difference when you do!!!:grouphug:

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No med suggestions, but along with having your thyroid checked, I would suggest having your hormone levels checked, too. You may need to go to someone who specializes in women's care, though, because many doctors don't want to do it unless your cycles are irregular enough to suggest menopause (which is completely ridiculous, imo).

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I just have to jump in and say that most drugs in these classes have similar lists of potential side effects. However how they react in YOUR body may differ significantly than anyone else you know.


I recommend you be COMPLETELY honest with your physician about your symptoms/concerns. Not doing so could result in a prescription for an improper medication.


If you want to consider alternatives to chemical therapy, ask about counselling. You could also do both. The counsellor would be able to work with your regular doc to monitor any medication that would be prescribed, as well as be able to make recommendations for prescriptions.

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I really do feel strongly that talking to a therapist before I started taking the meds gave me a very good understanding of where my anxiety was coming from, and how to handle it. Without those skills, you may find that the medicine doesn't help you....

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My mom is a therapist and has a book that she loves called The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. It's full of information about different types of anxieties, what things can contribute to anxiety, etc. It's actually very interesting to read through. Dd and my niece were going through it the other day and were amazed at what they found in there. If teenagers find it a fun read, it can't be too boring. :001_smile:

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