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Starting tomorrow and having a panic attack...

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As I was taking my paperwork from my filing system (thanks filing-system thread!) and putting it into my kids weekly folder, I started getting really nervous. I mean, I spent months on the fence about homeschooling, and then once I made a definitive decision to homeschool went full throttle into researching curriculum, etc. Surely, I cannot do worse than the ps that they were in. I have full support from dh, and not too many reservations from relatives.


Tomorrow they would have returned to ps with their peers, and I would have a long break during the day. They are trusting me to make the right decisions, and as I filed their papers this evening, I felt severe doubt as to whether this is a good idea or not. Did I pick the right curriculum? Will stubborn dd listen? Will dyslexic son do ok with what I've chosen?


Wish me luck and send a few prayers my way, please....



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As I was taking my paperwork from my filing system (thanks filing-system thread!) and putting it into my kids weekly folder, I started getting really nervous. I mean, I spent months on the fence about homeschooling, and then once I made a definitive decision to homeschool went full throttle into researching curriculum, etc. Surely, I cannot do worse than the ps that they were in. I have full support from dh, and not too many reservations from relatives.


Tomorrow they would have returned to ps with their peers, and I would have a long break during the day. They are trusting me to make the right decisions, and as I filed their papers this evening, I felt severe doubt as to whether this is a good idea or not. Did I pick the right curriculum? Will stubborn dd listen? Will dyslexic son do ok with what I've chosen?


Wish me luck and send a few prayers my way, please...




One foot in front of the other. Dreading it is always worse than doing it. You can make changes as problems arrive, nothing is set in stone. Congratuaions and go get em!



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You will do fine!!!!! If your children have been in public school before (My eldest went k-1st to PS) expect a transition period. My goal for my first year hs'ing was A) to make it out alive :tongue_smilie: & B) to help my ds regain his spark for learning. There were some points that first year I thought I might pull my hair out, but WE MADE IT. And, it was clear (to myself & my family) that hs'ing was doing my ds a TON of good. It was worth all the hard work and preparation. It will more than likely take your children a good while to see you as "the teacher"--my ds had a really hard time with that concept, always questioning me because I was "just mom"--he had never seen me as "teacher" before (not since preschool, anyway)... once he realized I was the only teacher he was going to have (and matured a little ;)) things have been GREAT, and I really REALLY enjoy homeschooling now!!!! :D


Just the fact that you are SO worried about your decision tells me that you have what it takes to do it & DO IT WELL!! Your children's education is obviously your first priority & focus, and I can promise promise promise they will have no advocate for their education who cares more than you.



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{{{{{hugs to you and your family}}}}}


If it helps you at all, I'm a bit more seasoned at homeschooling and am having doubts about starting today! My daughters have never been to public school but I still worry that maybe the job I do with them doesn't match up to what a really good teacher in the public school might do. I think it's somewhat expected to question the unknown if you are starting new or just starting new work or a new grade level.


Like another poster said, one foot in front of the other! I hope you have a great day today and everything goes well!

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I felt like that when I pulled my kids from ps... And then you feel funny because all the neighbor kids are walking to the bus stop and your kids are just waking up. :tongue_smilie: That wears off, don't worry. I felt like we were in hiding or something that first semester. :D


Your family will get used to it. And then you'll be like us - walking home from the pool in our swimsuits while the school buses drive past and 7 yro waves enthusiastically at the ps kids...lol! :lol:


Just remember your reasons for homeschooling. If this is something you feel is in the best interest of your kids, you'll be fine. My kids were completely floundering in the ps system, so I can always think back to those days if I have any doubts. :tongue_smilie:


Also, a lot of things you think your kids are missing from school...like yearbooks, sports, recess...you can get those from a homeschool group or co-op. My kids are taking classes 3 days a week this semester.


It's an adjustment. Think positive!! :)

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It's normal to feel that way. But for me, it passed pretty quickly. We had so much fun homeschooling, it really did feel natural. I was like, "What was I even worried about?!"


And I didn't even wait for the start of a new school year, I pulled my daughter out in March- with only 2 - 2 1/2 months of third grade left in the school year. That did make me nervous lol. Probably even more nervous than if I'd let her finish out the year and just not sent her back the following year. But in the end, I was so glad I did it.


You guys will be fine! :)

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I was terrified!

We did have a transition period - it was at least four months of the kids getting used to me being "teacher' and not just mom.

As for your curriculum - well - if it really doesn't end up being something you all like - you can switch :) i'm sure it will be just fine though.

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I started my very first HS year 2 weeks ago and I was panicking BIG TIME. The public school started today and neither I or my kids cared in the least bit.


The feeling does go away! I am sure it willcome back every now and then when we hear about stuff the ps kids are doing, and there willbe times we are SO happy we are doing this because of the stuff we hear that ps kids are doing!:001_smile:

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